Sobering facts....


Well-known member

Here is an anti-hunting site of value... I consider myself a nut about hunting safety especially after watching my buddy get shot two years ago. I've pulled up a lot of these stories and honestly I've learned from some of them. Looks like many leave their safety "off"... read the gun dog stories.

Some of these guys were stupid, but a lot were just incredibly unfortunate - and ALL of us fall into that potential category.

Here's to a safe season to all, have your kids read some of these.
I teach hunter safety here in Illinois and every year the DNR sends me a report detailing all of the "hunting incidents" where someone was injured. I use these reports in my classes as examples of how people make simple, but usually stupid, mistakes that result in someone getting seriously injured. Last year, the majority of incidents occurred during upland hunting. Most times, it is someone swinging on their buddy and pulling the trigger. The second most common accident was falling out of a treestand (almost always going up or down the tree).

I did not read the web page Andrew postred, as it probably does have an anti-hunting slant to it and I like to think that I am already aware of many situations where someone could get hurt. However, if you are able to get past the anti-hunting slant, you probably would get some good insight as to how to prevent accidents. I know that since I started reading the hunting incident reports, I am aware of unsafe situations that I probably would not have been before reading them.


You know I think I kind of agree with Todd on this one. You could set up a site like that for anything. Skiing, football, skateboarding, surfing, jogging.....Hunting is a fairly safe activity, yes people get hurt and killed but they do with every sport, hobby, lifestyle.... That site is there for one purpose and it is not to educate hunters, I have a hard time seeing what the value is.
I can and do read each year about the incidents that happen in my home state. I believe most states publish these and they are factual and unbiased.
If you group all accidents and stupid things on one page it looks worse. That is why they are doing it. Check out animal rights sites for livestock and you might not eat meat again, they only show only the worst in the worst light.
Next am I suppose to believe them about fish feeling the pain of being hooked or that all animals in traps die a horrible death while chewing their leg off?
My $.02
At the risk of sounding defensive or too sensitive ; )

1) My kids are fully aware of anti-hunting sentiment, we live in RI for God's sake. which is an anti-hunting state within an anti-hunting region. My 7 year old told me that he never talks about hunting in school because his pals (and pals' parents) are always complaining about hunters in the woods, hearing shots, etc. I live in a state where the 500 feet from an occupied building rule wipes out 9/10ths of all waterfowling opportunities -- you get the picture.

My boys are also aware of anti-hunting rhetoric and I have faith in them to make their own educated decisions. They take pride in the knowledge that Dad gets meat from the wild and puts it on the table, and they take pride in the fact that they had a hand in it. We buy all of our beef from a friend who raises angus and my wife brings them to the butcher to get it and learn about the relationship that man and animals have. My oldest wants to know where the his meat comes from (i.e. what part of the cow, pig, etc.) - he asks the question every time we sit down. In sum, my kids aren't going to be swayed by anti-hunting propaganda - they see it for what it is.

2) the stories about the hunting accidents in the link I provided are all true and factual. They cite the links to the newspapers who reported them. That website is an anti-hunting website that did a great job (IMO) of bringing information together in a very concise format. And I wanted to do was share it with the group - it was free, and free is what it is. Take it or leave it.

3) Todd, I've enjoyed your posts and pictures and I'm sure you're a really good guy, but your comments were boorish and surprising. You seem to be wanted to be taken seriously as a budding outdoor writer and one who is well respected in the outdoor world. Your profile lists you as a "philanthropist". Personally, I would have taken a different tack than "your head should be examined" comment to a fellow poster. Sadly, my wife would probably agree with you ; )

'til the next time, keep posting, I like reading about your and your dogs' adventures.
it's always struck me as somewhat humorous when people shout that we shouldn't look at something because it isn't slanted, the way they think it should be.

We've seen this in the past when someone says, "what? you watch CNN? God how could you, thats so Liberal". And now we see it with the site you post...

To me FACTS ARE FACTS and it doesn't matter where you get them....true the people reporting them can "attempt" to slant them in any direction that they want to; Liberal, Conservative, Anti-hunting, Pro-hunting, what have you. But in the end DEAD is DEAD and STUPID is STUPID and that doesn't change based on the origin of the report...

As adults, and in the case of parents them to, its our job to check facts, verify information and make our own decisions. For sure there are those that see something in print, instantly believe it, because it is in print and it is presented by someone they "trust", and then forward it to their "list" with the inevitable, "I don't normally forward this stuff but this one HAS to be true", and are constatnly being duped by those people that want you to believe THEIR VERSION, but thats just human nature.

There have been, are, and always will be people who insist that information be "sanitized" prior to presentation. I'm patently against that, always have been and always will be. Personally I'll take my information from as many sources as I can, do my research to confirm, make my assessment as to "slant" due to bias by the reporting source and then make my own decisions as to what value that information is. Congrats to you for doing the same, and for allowing you kids to recognize that "information" shall not be "sanitized" prior to discussion and that they need to be involved in the processing of that information.

The facts are the facts but they are not all the facts. I don't want them skewed either way. SD publishes a list of hunting 'accidents" each year and there is no doubt they are factual and unbiased. I hope every state does that.

I could go find a story about a couple football player being paralyzed and a couple about broken legs. If I did like this site does that would be the only ones I'd look at and would have to conclude that half the boys hurt in football end up paralyzed. Should a parent take that seriously before letting their son play? I don't think so. This site is not CNN or Foxnews it is freakin' Aljazeera.

There is more there then just links to stories. Those stories are filtered to only show you the ones they want you to see. I bet if you google hunting accident you will get a lot more stories then what they link to and you don't have to go through that site.
According to them 40% of accidents result in fatalities. That right there shows how poor they are as a source because of the bias. If they lie that is OK as long as their lies are based on factual stories?

Reading a couple of the stories I see little that would make a hunter safer. Depressed and worried yes, but not safer.
If someone wants real numbers, facts and things that can help there are sources for it. I have no problem with learning from these stories but that site is a poor source to get them from. Every hit they get makes them more legitimate.

"sink your boat"....

"this is Aljazeera"....

"slash your tires".....

WOW!!! if these guys are truly ALL THAT then I need to be watching their website just so I know who it is thats out to get me and how they plan to do it....

And here all this time I worried about Killer Whales eating Mike what I should have been worrying aobut was a Zodiac whipping into the Bay while he was retrieving and holding him under the water while they held me off with AK's.....

More people, specially kids, are killed each year by cars than by guns, but no one is working to take our cars away. Why is that?

If I were to "brandish" a firearm public there are major penalties for that. At the least I would go to jail for a little while and might be able to talk them out of making me a felon. If I don't have my kid in her car seat I might get a $75 ticket, but could talk the trooper out of it more than likely. My kid is in greater danger without the car seat than with guns loose in my town.
Just to make it clear I was not the one who said anything about slashing tires, drowning dogs or sinking boats. I only used Aljazeera because you mentioned CNN. Just because Aljazeera may report one story factually correct doesn't mean they are a good source if you are trying to get less biased news. All I'm saying is why use that site when you can find this info in other ways.

After seeing the video of the Killer Whale attack at Seaworld I would be more worried around adventure parks.
