Manitoba Waterfowl Regs for future

I certainly understand the concern for outlaw guides from out of country however I think the disenfranchising hunters who have freelanced up there for years will be finding other provinces that are more friendly and where you can hunt more than one week
I take it the bill passed. A sad day for US hunters freelancing Manitoba. A sad day for all freelance duck hunters.

I can promise you folks the end of hunting won't be from anti-hunters exerting their influence and getting the sport outlawed. Nope, it will be at the hands of those who increase regulations and reduce access. I fear the sport will become so highly regulated recruitment of new hunters and retention of existing hunters will decline resulting in smaller budgets and resources for managing waterfowl populations. Take away the caretakers and stewards and the system crashes. Hunters foot the bill for these folks. My state has implemented hunter mentor programs for recruiting new hunters. I.e. the state is having to expend resources to bring new hunters to the table. It's only going to get worse and I'm concerned it isn't sustainable. Access to hunting grounds needs to increase, not decrease. The management bill can't be funded alone by wealthy hunters unimpacted by loss of access. The sport needs hunters of all economic levels, and as it looks now if you don't own your own land, or pay high fees for an outfitter, you are getting squeezed!

hoping the other provinces don't follow The Canadian PM is very anti gun anti hunting. This year you can go for a week only anyone can purchase a lic after next season your name goes into a lottery if you get it its good for 5 years. Not a good deal for USA freelancers

If you have waterfowl hunted for extended periods of weeks in the Canadian Provinces over many years you had to know this was coming. More than a few bad actors ruined it for many, especially in this day and age. When the pinch to the pocket book and bottom line occurs then things could be changed to almost what we enjoyed for so many years and waterfowl seasons as well behaved Guests. Will it return to what it was, very doubtful.

my 2 cents
Jim Donofrio said:
yep Vince the you tubers are wrecking the sport

Sadly it's not just waterfowling it's widespread in the outdoors like a damn disease. But the writing was on the wall prior to Go Pros and U Tube. Greed and Whackem and Stackem made us all look bad. Now it's up to us to bring some Class and Shut The **** Up back to hunting & fishing.

Some of the best advice I was ever given - "A still tongue holds a wise head." - Mr. Arvirtis Hailstock

Easier said than done...
Jim Donofrio said:
hoping the other provinces don't follow The Canadian PM is very anti gun anti hunting. This year you can go for a week only anyone can purchase a lic after next season your name goes into a lottery if you get it its good for 5 years. Not a good deal for USA freelancers

Perfect tactic for anti hunters to apply for Manitoba lottery licenses to keep ethical hunters from participating for 5 years. They'll do it too, definitely a bad deal for USA freelancers.
DU, Delta Waterfowl, and all major brands went there and did all this filming. Then wrote all those articles how you could run your gun barrels hot. Then said nice the Canadian people are and how easy it was to gain permission to hunt. What has ruined it is the American people have figured out how to obtain Outfitters License. That is when greed began. I have been going to Sask. for 30 years. I went when there was nobody hunting except a few locals. I have carried parents, kids, grandkids and family members. I was told by an American Outfitter that what I was doing (freelance) that it was coming to an end. I have been to weddings, rodeos, football games, hockey games donated money to fund raisers, and meet some incredible nice people.Spent money on fuel, hotels, local dinners, and grocery stores. Some of those people have come to my home and meet my family and enjoyed the beach. I have had locals tell me they didn't want outfitters on their land, but sadly that has changed. Luckily just like at home, I have been to Canada and seen the best go it.
Jim Donofrio said:
hoping the other provinces don't follow The Canadian PM is very anti gun anti hunting. This year you can go for a week only anyone can purchase a lic after next season your name goes into a lottery if you get it its good for 5 years. Not a good deal for USA freelancers

I hadn't seen anything about the 5 year deal. Everything I saw said annual drawing, but I haven't followed the progression of the drawing too closely the last month or two especially when I saw all will get licenses for 2023 and the drawing truly begins in 2024.

Manitoba licensed outfitters do receive a limited number of licenses which they can pass on to their hunters. I am very fortunate in that my outfitter which I use has already told me to not to worry about the draw--that my outfitter would reserve a license for myself, my dad, and my son(with no upcharge).

Yes we use an outfitter--the use of the outfitter allowed(s) me to take my 77 yr old dad who has heart issues(as do I) and not in great shape to enjoy an annual waterfowl hunting trip together. Last year and now going forward, we expanded our group to include my son on our annual trip. This trip most likely would not be possible without the use of an outfitter. In our case 3 days of hunting is about all my dad can handle. Our outfitter only takes one small group at a time for a 3 day block. Really makes for a personal hunt and a special friendship with my outfitter. He has almost 100% repeat rate.

It would be nice to freelance but in this case just wouldn't work for us.
Good to hear Blake I want to see legitimate outfitters survive. Still don't understand the rationale for limiting freelance hunters. If the illegal guides were the issue they should have came up with a solution
Jim Donofrio said:
Good to hear Blake I want to see legitimate outfitters survive. Still don't understand the rationale for limiting freelance hunters. If the illegal guides were the issue they should have came up with a solution

I agree with you Jim.

Many of the wetlands, marshes, etc. that are roosts and staging areas for the waterfowl are DU projects that would not be there without DU. The bluecollar membership that boosted DU provided the money for many of those projects years ago. Now outfitters will reap the harvest, and not freelance non residents? I doubt that dry times are over, and those are when the DU projects earn their keep. Follow the money that funds the projects then decide what course to take in the future.
Vince all good work just like DELTA better because they deal with predators in the nesting areas an I know why DU doesn't like you said follow the money
Jim Donofrio said:
Good to hear Blake I want to see legitimate outfitters survive. Still don't understand the rationale for limiting freelance hunters. If the illegal guides were the issue they should have came up with a solution

IMO, the excuse is the illegal guiding the point is to limit NR and to force NR to use a guide, it is always about money. These moves are always driven by the guides... the Alaska NR guide requirement for sheep, goats and brown bears, the Wyoming restriction on NR in designated wilderness... all outfitter welfare. Outfitters and their fatcat clients wrecking it for those who want to freelance.
Blake et. al.

I am glad you have a means to hunt and have a guide you like that can set you and your family up on quality hunts. That's a valuable service. But what is rubbing me the wrong way is the permits are highly restricted (your seven days are up so GTF out of here) and either lottery or through an outfitter. Why should outfitters control significant access to the resource?

I've read the comments from Manitoba residents, and they clearly don't want us there and take a very dim view of Americans. They think we only come because we trashed our environment and don't have any ducks of our own to hunt. They are calling for us to only have the opportunity once the ducks are gone from Canada and in the US. I'll post a few comments from them further below.

Look, the more officials set up restrictions, get territorial, and try and block out anyone who isn't "one of us" all they do eliminate opportunity and enjoyment of the resource. I think it's incredibly shortsighted as the range of these magnificent creatures is far greater than any one province or state. Take away the opportunities to pursue something and the hunter numbers needed to fund management and protection will dwindle to the point of not being able to do the job. Manitoba gets A LOT of habitat funding from DU and Delta and the hunting tourists pump millions of dollars into their tiny little communities. I can see it now, outfitters scarfing up all the land and advertising like crazy in the US promising hunters the Manitoba world class experience that they can only get through them. No thank you.

One other thing, thank you DU for fighting Manitoba's self-serving agenda. Their comments to the Manitoba officials are linked below.

Eric Patterson

"I certainly don't wat them slaughtering my wildlife, Do, you. For wealthy American brats? For a couples bucks"

"Who cares what Americans care or say, the train left the statin"

"I don't understand the reason that hunters from the upper midwestern states would come running to Manitoba for duck hunting. Aren't there enough good waterfowl hunting sites in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan?"

"As a Canadian, have you ever tried getting a hunting license and tags in the U.S. or any other country for that matter. Just about every hunting tag in the U,S, is by lottery now. The Americans are still getting a pretty good deal up here."

"Manitoba's new slogan to the Americans ....'duck off'"

"Let 'em get healthy in their own country. They'll be here soon enough coming after our fresh water."
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Yes from what I have read is it is mostly about the illegal guides( I am interpreting this as illegal US guides). As an outsider, it appears to me that Manitoba is putting its citizens/outfitters/jobs first.

I have been up there 4 or 5 times. I have not encountered any animosity towards us at any point. People have been nothing but friendly to us since day one no matter where we are at in Manitoba. We do not stay/eat at an outfitters lodge and thus go to several different places to eat and/or grab an adult beverage.

At this point as US hunters going into their country/province, we can simply either be grumpy US hunters or can simply cherish the opportunity to enjoy their resources under their guidelines. I choose to do the later. Am I a big fan of or agree with the restrictions?-No. However I am still afforded the opportunity to share/ or potentially share their resources through a couple different means-draw and/or outfitter.

Alberta wants to become the 51st state, cuz they have had enough. Just read that article.

My first waterfowl hunting trip to Canada was in 1970. Have not encountered folks that are unfriendly and unhelpful in every way. The farther west our road trips to Canada were/are the better it gets. Meet folks and make many friends over time while Freelancing, knocking on doors, calling folks, talking in cafes, truck stops, etc. When asked to help during harvest time in anyway. Most certainly! When yer invited to the "after the harvest is complete Party". You will not forget it, or the folks that work hard. That's the Oh Canada in Vince world. The entire experience is darn near overwhelming.
I have also meet some amazing people. I have not only been invited to Harvest Party, I have attended as many as 3 Thanksgiving Meals. Hate to think I might loose that connection with such great people. I also don't think they have thought about the money that has been spent per American Hunter and the financial impact that this will have on the small towns
