What's on your Work Bench ? OCTOBER 2017

Steve Sanford

Well-known member

George Williams just sent me this photo of his Silver Teal - so I thought I'd jump the gun (by about 18 hours) on October's Work Bench.

View attachment G Williams Silver Teal.jpg

My bench right now has dozens of Herter's re-paints - and a new duck blind for Home Pond - and a new roof rack for my 2003 Honda Element.....posts to follow upon completion.

All the best,


Very nice George, I haven't posted for a while but here's a couple in cedar & pine waiting for paint.

John - Glad you figured out how to post photo's. Your decoys have style, very good indeed.

George - Ya going back to SA to gun over yer new stool?
Yeah. Son, bomber, a few guys who come to clayton, and Dax Hinton, from Alabama are going to take the plunge. I figure I have at least one trip left. No sense letting all of that cork go to waste. Taking basically what I have sent to your home e mail.
Should be fun, and the guys there will get to add to their rig.
I have, in the past, painted chiloes, yellow billed pintails, white cheeked whistling ducks and Bahamas on some cheapo plastics that a buddy of mine bought for the trip. Sent all of the color schematics south, and one of the folks, or more, are now in the process of doing rehab on the older stuff. Ducks are more fun over the native decoys, and not many folks are into making them para cazar.[whistle][angelic]
Steve, thanks for posting that up. Gotta get one of my puter gurus over here to give me a hands on tutorial, well, one of these days, anyway.
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I was putting a lot of time in on the Land Speed motorcycle. Racing done for the year so now back to decoys. I promised someone 6 Buffleheads and 2 dozen Broadbills ... now I have some work to do.

Pat, Vince , thanks for the kind words, you both plus a few others on here have given me some great advice on making decoys , much appreciated !
Good morning, Jode~

I have purposefully avoided Gavia immer - because of all those spots! You get the 2017 Patience/Persistence Award.

A gorgeous, stylish piece of work.

All the best,

Good morning, John~

I'm looking forward to that paint....

This new blind has commandeered my bench for the last few days. A friend will come by later so well can haul all of the "components" downhill to "Home Pond" and fasten it together. We open here this Saturday and the blind will be occupied Sunday morning.

View attachment Blind 01.JPG

(more on the blind to follow in a separate post).

All the best,


Awsome Loon Jode, we here in Ontario get to watch their antics in the water quite a bit. They are a gorgeous bird , & man can they ever swim underwater , especially in the shallows around your boat when fishing , you nailed that decoy Nice!
Thanks Steve, doing them in oils , put the first coat primer yesterday .
Love your picture with the barn & blind ,I'm envious .

Here are a few from my bench - a couple dozen Herter's - Model 63s and Model 72s - headed back to the Tarheel State shortly.

View attachment The Dlugos Flock - 24 Model 63s and 72s sm.JPG

These Model 63 Gadwall have heads by Autumn Wings:

View attachment Model 63 Gadwalls - Threesome sm.JPG

These 3 are the larger Model 72s - with AW heads:

View attachment Model 72 Gadwall Threesome - Autumn Wings Heads unattched sm.JPG

Here are some Model 63 Hen Mallards - also with AW heads:

View attachment Model 63 Mallard Hens - threesome sm.JPG

Three Model 72s:

View attachment Model 72 Mallards - Headless Threesome sm.JPG

Only the Mallard Hens get the full speculum:

View attachment Model 72 Mallard Hen - speculum sm.JPG

Know this one ?

View attachment Model 72 Pintail Hen - Speculum sm.JPG

Two Pintail Hens:

View attachment Model 72 Pintail Hens - Headless Pair sm.JPG

Not through yet.....


Those oils take forever! More latex gunners headed out the door:

All got a Satin Grey on their bottoms:

View attachment Dlugos Flock - capsized sm.JPG

These Wigeon will get heads once they get back home:

View attachment Model 72 Wigeon - Headless Foursome sm.JPG

The Drake Ringnecks even got the Aythya collaris rings around their necks. I will be posting a Ringneck Gunner painting Tutorial sometime in the future.

View attachment Model 72 Ringnecks - Quintet sm.JPG

This is the proverbial Lonesome Hen (Redhead).....

View attachment Model 72 Redhead Hen sm.JPG

View attachment Model 72 Wigeon Drake - Speculum sm.JPG

Now back to the next flock on the work bench....

All the best,

Steve, looks like you are staying busy. Glad to see the cinnamon on scap edges on the gaddie drake plays with you too!
That is the softest area on that bird, who is already king of suave. A pain in the neck, to say the least. You certainly have a shorthand on the hen mallard sides, fella. They look fine at a distance, which is where ducks see them.[;)]
Keep busy. That keeps us going!
Hello Steve,
Yes oils do take a while , but that's ok I'm retired he he . You sure have a flock on your bench , I'm sure you will have some happy customers . Those ringers are one of my favourites , fast fliers & great eaters! Looking forward to seeing more of your work as always.
John, I agree on the flavor, BUT, I am wondering how in blazes you deal with getting their feathers off? In my opinion, they are probably the most difficult of ducks when it comes to either plucking or skinning.[huh]