Fatal duck hunting accident in Connecticut on Saturday 1/20


Well-known member
Three guys capsized their boat in Mumford Cove near Bluff Point State Park yesterday. Two died and one made it to shore. All young guys (compared to me). The two who perished are Joe Formica and Joe Grzelak. The survivor is Justin Besade, son of Scott Besade. As of right now a gofundme account has been set up for Joe Formica who leaves a wife and a 2yo son. I'll post up if accounts are set up for the others.


If the link doesn't work go on Facebook to Connecticut Waterfowlers Association, CT Waterfowl, or Connecticut Delta and the link is there if you are able to contribute.
I am really amazed at the lack of responses to a tragedy that is so close to many of us. I haven't read the cause of the accident or whether the hunters were wearing pfds or not but this is a chilling reminder of the hazards of duck hunting in the winter and the reason we need to be vigilant in taking safety precautions.
This is the tragedy that all of us fear and prepare not to experience.

It would be helpful if there is more info on the accident and on the hunters to make this a bit more personal to us. Were they connected to this site at all? Were they friends of anyone on this site? What happened?

So sad. So sad, regardless of the details.

When I read the names, my heart sank... I have a friend from my IBM days who is from CT. Turns out Justin Besade, the survivor is of his family. He relates this about the accident.....

" This accident involved my cousin Scott's son, Justin Besade. He made it to shore, barely. Him and two friends were in a 16' boat, 75 - 100 yards off shore, 37' ocean water, duck hunting in a cove. Windy morning, choppy, tide changing, a few waves started 'washing' over the boat. Tried to make it in but boat 'flooded'. They all had life vests under camo ponchos. Boat gently sank, three guys headed for shore. Justin is 29, is very big guy, 6' 4", strong. He swam to shore, pulled out his iphone that was in his 'new' waterproof case, called his grandfather (my uncle Bob) who knew right where they were. He called 911, it took 10 min for police / rescue to arrive. The other two guys died of hypothermia, one may have had a heart attack, not sure.
Doctor said Justin made it because he was bigger (more fat insulation), and a strong swimmer. Other two guys were floating around, barely moving, in water too long. Really sad story. I guess the water temp was the real problem. "

I can't know the conditions these guys were in, but they did have life jackets on, and did not drown. I know that I always wear my life jacket, knowing that late season, it likely is just to make recovery easier, as survival is less likely. Prayers for Justin, and for the families of the lost, and for all who venture out in our pursuits. We have been breaking ice for weeks now to hunt, and I even hunted alone on Saturday in the BBSB. First on and last off when I enter the boat is my lifejacket. I wear it warm or cold (not a strong swimmer, I sink!).
I wear a inflatable when I travel. Have a 3xl life vest also. Would love to find a real big one to wear over my camo parker. Need a 5xl to wear while running. Anyone seen big boy life vests??
I took a quick dunk while with John L and Dave. Hit the water quick enough just to take it down my neck. Could have been worse...

I may be incorrect, but I believe that the response from most, if not all, duckboats members are heads bowed. As waterfowlers, we are all family.
Sad story....That fateful day we all dread and hope never happens..
Just goes to show you can do everything right ( life jackets, cell phone , etc) and still end in tragedy.

I think your response is correct. The brotherhood of waterfowlers
is feeling the enormity of this tragedy. Prayers for the families and
friends of those lost.
