Sooooo new ride too


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I finally decided that push mowing my lawn was ridiculous and more pain than it was worth. I dreaded mowing and often put it off until it would really become a pain. I have a 21" Toro push mower that I killed the self propelled on that I have used to mow a bit over an acre for the last 4 years. I finally reached the point of THIS IS STUPID! And so I got me a big girl mower. My neighbors have let me use their zero turns and after using those, I wanted my own. I got one and I am now in love. Now I kick myself for waiting so long to get one....I guess this could be duck related because of how much time it will save me, I could use the extra time to go find a woodduck or woodcock

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So far, Im a huge fan of this Husqvarna Z242F.

Nice ride Dani.

Since the grass grows in Florida almost year round, it is definitely duck related as it will allow you hunt without worry about that d--- lawn.

Dave....not as fast as my truck but waaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaay faster than pushing [laugh]

Congratulations of your new mowing machine.

You know, a little duck decal covering the Husqvarna emblem would convert your post into a DR.....

All the best,


A few days ago my sister, who has a large yard, said how much she enjoys pushing a mower. I, who also have a large yard, said something lieke "Yeah, I'll ride."

I enjoy my Cub Cadet and I'm sure you will enjoy your Husqvarna. I couldn't imagine pushing year around, it's bad enough doing it for 5 or 6 months here.
Mow in good health.

Tim....some people are just plain strange [sly] Before I killed the self propelled (which didn't take long), mowing wasn't horrible but it sure wasn't pleasurable. Now it's certainly a lot more fun, plus if Drake feels the need to pace with me like he did when I push mowed, it'll keep him in a little better shape. Kenz is a smart feller and just lays in the shade

Chris, I have seriously considered renting some goats to clean out my woods for me. Not sure if that's even possible but I'd like to clean out my woods and unless I cut down some trees, I can't get in there with a big brush mower. And times like right now, it's too wet back in my woods anyway for any heavy equipment.
Dani, You are not alone, i got tired of the self propelled Toro used for trimming and invested in a 54" zero turn. Well worth the money, i haven't had this much fun since i sold my last motorcycle[;)].
Count me jealous, Dani, although with all the roots and rocks in my yard, I'd feel a lot worse grinding the blades on a nice new mower than I do on my old Craftsman.
Jeff, I have the same concerns. More about roots and trash. The person/people who lived here before me were intent on not using the garbage service that the city provides for a relatively low fee. The amount of trash I have removed was surprising to me (particularly the liquor store worth of bottles and broken glass and hardware store worth of nails and screws). Just when I think I've gotten it all, we get 13" of rain in a week and lots of dirt gets washed away and I find out exactly how much more trash there is. I gotta be extra vigilant because every so often something like a bed frame rail comes up out of the dirt. I'd hate to hit something like that with my new mower.