Another Duck Season Gone

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
Duck season is here and gone already. Just like life everything moves so fast now days. It seem like a few days ago. I was just starting to work on my boats and decoys. Now its time to start thinking about next years season. Snow goose season is still open. and I'll be hunting them in March. So I hope to get my full of them. It seems around here in upstate New York now days. That the Canada goose is the bird of choice to hunt. But I was reading that the Feds are cutting our limit down next year along with mallards. I didn't get out as much as I normally do this year. But when I did I still had that same feeling about hunting As I did when I was a young man. Maybe even more, Your next hunt could always be your last. So enjoy the time you have out there. Tomorrow is never promised to anyone of us.