8 Upland Hunting Books for $50

Jim Cloninger

Active member
Upland Hunting Books For Sale, All for $50.00 - Key: HB hard back, PB paper back, DJ dust jacket, Edition 1st for first edition, 2nd for second, etc. For information and purchase contact me at jrcloninger@bigvalley.net. Shipping quoted by USPS Media Mail. Thanks, Jim

1) Lee Rue, Leonard, Game Birds of North America - HB, DJ, 2nd 1974.
2) McPhail, Rodger, Open Season - HB, DJ, 1st 1986.
3) Rice, F. Phillip & Dahl, John I,. Game Bird Hunting - PB, 3rd 1978.
4) Vale, Robert B., How to Hunt American Game, HB, DJ, 3rd 1950.
5) Hightower, John - Pheasant Hunting - HB, 1st 1946
6) Petzal, David E. - The Experts' Book of Upland Bird and Waterfowl Hunting - HB, DJ, 1st 1975.
7) Smith,Lawrence B, - Fur or Feather, Days with Dog and Gun - HB, 1st 1946.
8) Woods,Shirley E. Jr. - Gunning for Upland Birds and Wildfowl - HB, DJ, 1st 1976.