Mystery Goose

Steve Sanford

Well-known member
Good morning, All~

So, what's the right Anser????

View attachment Snow X Canada Hybrid - CROPPED 20 March 2020.jpg

The big pale bird flew in to join this Canada - south of here and east of the Hudson yesterday.

Upper neck looks all Snow - but it's a l-o-n-g neck! Furrowed neck....grinning patch.....checkerboard flight feathers....

Some Canada genes? Greylag & Co. ?

My best guess is one goose species mixed with another goose species.....

Your thoughts?


I would guess it has a good bit of domestic goose in it. Parts of it resemble a West of England goose, although the length of its neck certainly suggests some Canada influence. It's an interesting bird no doubt. Thanks for posting.
In Northern Indiana I would call that a bonus goose. " The bag limit for all dark geese (Canada, White-fronted and Brant) is five geese, no more than three of which can be Canada geese. Not the answer you are looking for. Nice find Steve.
The Anser is NOT a gallinaceous bird for sure and the right bird is not the Anser.
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Someone's mom spent some time in the barnyard...

I used to check "Canadas" with some splashes of white in the wrong places - barnyard crosses.

Surprised it's still alive.

A white goose flying with a flock of Canada's tends to draw lotta flack.

Unless it hangs tight with the resident Canada's that know where to go, and when to go, to be safe.

Most likely the off spring of someone dumping one, or more of their "pet geese" out with wild geese. Where they think they belong and Do Not.