Who's got the best answer for how to fix this?

Okay---- I need a little thought here. How would you go about fixing this? On this corner the saw got a little deeper than I wanted and the fillet was a little shallower than I wanted. Thinking about sanding them on down and cutting a triangle piece of 3/8 and glueing down to the corners then back filling the fillet when I flip the boat back over. Anybody have any better ideas? Not sure how well you can see it in the photo but that big blob in the center of the triangle is the tarp on the floor.

Thanks for any help.

View attachment Sponson Corners.jpg
View attachment Sponson corner 2.jpg
Who's the idiot that told you to take a saw to those corners :)

Your fix is good and how I would have proceeded if I ran into the same thing.
Your right on track for fixing that. That is exactly how I did mine after the fact. I tried to get by without doing it but every time I had the motor trimmed up and turned I would hit the boat with the prop. After the first season I did exactly as you are doing now.