Search results

  1. Bradley Carleton

    Help! I just found out that my transom is rotten!

    I'll admit I haven't been a regular here for some time, but back when I built my Broadbill from a kit, I was religious about following the advice from the many avid duckboat builders on this page. When I set out to build this boat I had no woodworking experience at all - as a matter of fact I...
  2. Bradley Carleton

    Invitation to read blog

    Friends of All Things Fowl, I have been writing for the last few years for a few local magazines and would like to share my writing with you. I hope that you enjoy this submission: [url]
  3. Bradley Carleton

    What if the Feds shut down the Entire Atlantic Flyway?

    Heard it for the first time tonight from someone who was speculating that the Feds might consider shutting down the Atlantic Flyway seasons because of how many birds might die when they get to Louisiana...another concept I read about was from an outdoor writer for the Rutland Herald...
  4. Bradley Carleton

    Need advice for keel guard

    I've got an 8 yr old Broadbill (14') and a keel that is shaped like a 1 1/2" high "v" approx. 1" wide and edges are all rounded via filleting. I need to shave off some glass damage and put on a keel guard. I have been looking at the wide keel guards on Cabelas and West Marine and I am not...
  5. Bradley Carleton

    Finally, a little success!

    Folks, make no mistake about it this season has been bleak for us Vermonters. Very high water on Lake Champlain. Very warm temperatures and precious little corn that actually made it to the chopper. All this means VERY few prime waterfowling days. Yesterday, however, we had a little luck. We set...
  6. Bradley Carleton

    Test post

    Couldn't post earlier. Can anyone see this? [/img]