A tornado of mallards

Paul Meisenheimer said:
Great video Cody. I am fortunate to have seen that a few times in my life. Here is a video I recorded of a few mallards near my home in Alberta. Dec 5, 2020 This was about 1200 yards from my home.


That's an insane amount of ducks Paul! I bet some of them will end up down here. I have always wanted to hunt in Alberta, I might be asking you for advice someday!
Each of us "if" fortunate to experience such a waterfowl wonder will have a decision to make. And it is your hunt Cody, so if you decide to shoot I'm okay with that. But I am more the one to sit back and watch the amazing show. This type of action is rarely seen to enjoy.
Smart phones make these things more possible to record.
Thanks for sharing such a display.
len hawkins said:
That a Chessie in your avatar?
Hey Len, yep that's my old Chessie Sage, he passed away about 5 years ago. He was a great dog, lots of great memories of hunting with him! I have a female Lab named Cedar now, she's been great too!