Blinds ,what's your choice


Looks great, I bet the duck never is it coming, Hunting ducks is so much different then any other hunting sport. There are so many ways of getting the job done. Your way is not better then any other persons way. Its just what you or I like. So many ways of having fun. You can be all alone , you can have your dog or you can have a bunch of friends hunting with you. The best part you still can get a few birds . Thanks for the pictures. Great job.
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Thru the years I have hunted out of all different types of blinds. In recent years most of my hunting has been from layout blinds in the field and on the edge of streams and wetlands, sitting in the cattails on dry land to waist deep water on a marsh seat, or laying in a marsh boat. This past year I started hunting out of a Tanglefree Solo 360 blind on the edge of some local streams. That Solo 360 blind is currently my favorite blind to hunt from. I can see 360 degrees, I sit on a seat with a backrest, I can stand-up to shoot, the dog is inside the blind with me and has her own door to look out. The birds totally ignore the blind. Most my shots were under 25 yards last season. My only complaint about the blind is that it is hard to sleep in compared to my layout blinds. View attachment Resized_20191207_085042.jpegView attachment Resized_2014-09-01_08.30.27.jpegView attachment Resized_20191129_072810.jpeg
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Hunting your way is great. Different hunting styles all work,its up to us to use the one that fits us. In my case I have reason way I hunt out of my outlaw pro 18. I also hunt out of my old clam boat turned into a blind. I don't get out of the boat unless I know I can walk on the ground under the water. I am very limited in what I can lift so it works for me. My son he is a young bull so he likes to walk in just about any kind of mud. So it works for us. You my friend hunt the way I use to. And I know your having some great hunts. Thanks for the photos , Stay safe
noweil Mike said:
Thru the years I have hunted out of all different types of blinds. In recent years most of my hunting has been from layout blinds in the field and on the edge of streams and wetlands, sitting in the cattails on dry land to waist deep water on a marsh seat, or laying in a marsh boat. This past year I started hunting out of a Tanglefree Solo 360 blind on the edge of some local streams. That Solo 360 blind is currently my favorite blind to hunt from. I can see 360⁰, I sit on a seat with a backrest, I can stand-up to shoot, the dog is inside the blind with me and has her own door to look out. The birds totally ignore the blind. Most my shots were under 25 yards last season. My only complaint about the blind is that it is hard to sleep in compared to my layout blinds.

Best sleep I get is in my sneakbox laid back on momarsh seat!
My favorite , like many of you, is certainly a blind of some type of natural cover. While they are often, not the most comfortable, there just seems to me, to be a little higher feeling of satisfaction when I fool them using natural cover, its kind of hard to explain. It amazes me how good green palm fronds in a brown marsh work. I have been using them for almost 50 years and have shot many pintail, widgeon, mallards and black ducks over them in the past, as well as many divers. My second choice is a boat blind of some type and I have several too.View attachment natural blinds 3.jpgView attachment blind-boat 2.jpgView attachment natural blind 2.jpg