Browning A-5 Mag Barrel

Brandon Bolling

Active member
Hey everyone, I have been coming to this site every week and I just registered. I had all my info on the old site and I did not know you had to register again. Ahhhh well I figured it out. Anyway, I have a Browning A-5 Mag 12 gauge and it has a set Full Choke. I just bought the gun before the 06 season so I only had the opportunity to shoot sheet a few times. I am having a hard time hitting birds close (thats where I like to shoot) and want to get the option of different chokes. I know they sell replacement barrels for around 300 bucks. I was wondering if I can have a gun smith bore and tap my barrel for chokes? Is this even possible, has anyone ever done this or heard of it? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I am beginning construction of the Duck Hunter so I am sure we will be talking a lot more. Thank You!
They do great work and can even do concentric work to change point of impact if you needed it. Just ask them what they recommend for the shot you will use. I think their thin wall chokes can even shoot steel, but check with them.
I don't think an A-5 is that collectable in that model but Dave Parks would know better. You might want to check with him before modifying it, if it is in original condition. You might find another barrel and have the choke honned out to improved cylinder for close work also. is their website.
I'm betting a new barrel is less expensive than getting one choked..especially if you want more than 1 or 2 tubes. Go to Guns or Auction Arms and see what is available..ebay would be a good place to look also.
I shoot an a5 mag and had my barrol done by briely gunsmithing . I got 3 chokes with it and if I can remember right it was less than 300 bucks. But I got the extended chokes which were more. You should be able to get it done for around 200 bucks because Briely high but there the only ones that would do the extended shokes.
I was thinking it would about be a wash..I checked on getting my SKB O/U 28 ga. done up with choke tubes and it was out of my price range. It's choked SK/SK now and I wanted a little tighter pattern for Bismuth and Mallards.
Guess you'll just have to trade your SKB in on a Rizzini :) If you like your SKB find someone that will put choke tubes in for a reasonable price. The choke tubes make it so versatile that the only time I shoot my 12 ga. SBE anymore is for ducks, the rest of the year it's all 28ga. With the price of shot going through the roof lately it sure is nice only loading 3/4oz at a time.
But then I'd need a 410,28 and 20 ga. to take it's place. That would be cool...anybody want to trade even up??