carpeting the underside of your removable boat floor

Ryan Walter

My Devlin mallard has a removable wood floor. The bottom side was previously covered with carpet to minimize noise and abrasion. I like the idea of the carpet but don't like that absorbs water, it takes a long time to dry, and the staples rust and fall apart. Does anyone have any other ideas for something like rubber strips on the bottom of floors? I even thought about using those rubber caps that you can put on the bottom of bar stool legs...
Would love to hear what you've all used instead of carpet
What about gluing in pieces of surplus army sleeping mats. The kind that roll up. They do not absorb water and should serve the same purpose. You could even pick up some yoga mats at Walmart or Target for the same purpose. Those yoga mats might be pink or purple, while the army surplus mats will at least be green or brown.

Chad A
Closed cell foam could work. I'm really looking for some way of fastening other than staples too, if anyone has ideas for ?


Ryan, just this week picked up a 1/2" olive drab closed cell foam "sleeping pad" from Wal-Mart. I cut them up and use them in the bottom of all my slotted decoy bags to protect the decoys.... regular contact cement should hold them to a clean dry surface.