Curtain Blind Pics for Steve Sutton

Joe, I think it is considered legal as it is permanently attached to the shore bottom. It looks to be a cold, wet miserable way to hunt to me but I am sure it is effective. I agree with your point though, it sure does look like a sinkbox.

I looked up the federal definition thinking the same thing as you. As long as it doesn't FLOAT...float being the operative word it's considered legal. Now let me try to dig a hole in a sandbar in the Mississippi River and sink a box in it the Corps of Engineers would probably have 1,000 reasons why it's illegal whether the fed said it was okay or not! Just as well since I like hunting ABOVE the water line.

Ed L.

I looked up the federal definition thinking the same thing as you. As long as it doesn't FLOAT...float being the operative word it's considered legal.

Ed L.

Thanks Ed.I read that.Guess I didn't get the part about that thread, not floating,It winds up the same view as a sinkbox from the top,just not mobile,like an ol'timey
sink box with cast-iron decoys on the wings.A cold,wet proposition for sure.If you tried it in the Big river the Corps would site you for a hazard to navigation,even if it was sunk into a sumerged sand bar.
That's pretty cool... I guess once you take the "float" out of it, it's really just a pit blind for the most part. I can see the issues that you may run into on someplace like the Miss, but I wonder what would be said if "implemented" on a lake somewhere? I'm sure it'd bring up some heated conversation!
Joe ,up here we are allowed floating or non floating,we call them Tubs up here,there are the jack up type which are a box in a box attched tot he bottom via cables and you winch your self up and down as the tide comes in or it floats and is attached to the bottom now there s one for ya,and the spash boards you call curtains are the same idea keep the rollers from filling you up with water..But they get burds when the gettin is good i tell ya...

our inlets down the eastern shore are littered literaly with tubs of everysort every 2 to 3 hundreds apart...ill take some pics next time down that way...

local burds dont decoy willingly but the.. outa towners sucker for them as they dont use them north of there...

yes its all you say cold and wet a little chop on and your face is sprayed alot..some have the little heaters in them most dont burn thru waders, not good!!
Ya Shermie,some months back I read an article with pics of the tub in a tub dealies you have up there with the jacks to get out of the water and pump out.A lot of pumping out.
The market hunters on the Chesapeake used just a floating rectangular box with wide wings that floated on all sides, weighted down so they were awash.I have one of the cast iron decoys,made into a foot scrapper,That I found about 30 years ago,when I lived In Dover DE.This was a set up for divers.I suppose it must have been more effective than laying out in a low profile boat,like we have now.
For a great hunting article on curtain blinds and pics, check out the September 2007 issue of Wildfowl Magazine. It's a very good first hand account of what it is like to shoot ducks at water level.


thanks for the link. I would have missed it.
here are a few pictures a Mr. Henry Johnson posted here a while back. They show clearly the history of the set up and the long standing tradition of the curtin blind in the Pemlico Sound area.

Henry Johnson P. Sound curtain blind.jpg

Man, I love that boat.

Henry Johnson P. Sound curtain blind2.jpg

6 years ago, I drove back home along the coast to CT from South Carolina, because I had missed Ocracoke on a boat delivery from FLA 10 years earlier when we stopped in Hatteras. I arrived on the Island near sundown from the south and spent the night in my car after having dinner at a local place. At sun up I drove around to check the small south end of the island out before I had to catch the ferry North at 9:00. I found a small commercial waterfront operation and was checking out the boats when I met a guy working on some fishing gear. We talked for a time about building skiffs and fishing for a living. Ducks came up and he mentioned if the chance came up to come down for a curtin blind hunt. I still have the paper with Wade Austins number on it.
If you go next year let me know. I should have done it by now but like you it is on my list. Thanks for the heads up on Worth's article as well. Just found a copy and read it twice.