Decoy anchors.

Matt Farnham

New member
Hello, I'm new to the site and just wanted to spread the word about a great new decoy anchor on the market. Please check out

Moderator edit, link removed for obvious spam of thread remains for educational and entertainment value...

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(*bump is to 'bump' me closer to the '30-post' minimum for classified-ad posting)
Hi Matt.

Welcome to the site. I'd say "It's nice to meet you," but the only thing you've told us about yourself is that you have a website where you're trying to sell us things. Generally new members here introduce themselves, lurk for a bit to get the feel of the place, and then start to join in the discussion.

The great folks who run this site--I am not one of them--have gone out of their way to keep that stuff over in the classifieds section. They have some simple rules for posting there, which you can find here.

One of the rules is that you can't post there until you've contributed to the site by making at least 30 non-commercial posts before you post a classified ad.

We hope you'll stick around and contribute.

In addition to the 30 posts rule, you'll know you've been around long enough to post in the classifieds when you know the regulars well enough to get the jokes when we bust Todd's chops.

As for those anchors--2 freaking pounds???? I guess you don't hunt many walk-in spots.

Jeff (standing in for Todd--and much nicer!)
Well said Jeff.........maybe to nice saying it, but well said.

Hope Chuck wakes up from his nap and sees this.....hehe
Hi Matt glad to see you made it over. Please tell the group of us a little more about you and where you hunt and what not.

By the way guys I did recommend this page to Matt I figured he would enjoy the content, he does have some pretty decent anchors to check out though.

And more verbose and less funny

Well, we can't all be genuine certified limnologists.
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And more verbose and less funny

Well, we can't all be genuine certified limnologists.

funnier if you don't have to edit it.
Good Lord, 2#!!!
Are those for longlines?
If for singles, what kinda current are you hunting in?
Jeff (standing in for Todd--and much nicer!)

And more verbose and less funny.

Don't kid yourself Tod, you're plenty verbose!

As for the anchors...$10 each...I hope you got shipping included in the price. However I'm not sure there'd be enough margin for that. And I like the "volume discount" of two and a half dozen anchors for $300...let me do the math and calculate my savings...

Alright, if that's all I'm headed back under my rock!
Get after em' Osier.

Why me?

Yeah, really...Calling SPAM is really Dave McCann's thing...calling out charlatans about being stupid...and spreading their stupid relabeled as cool, that's Tod's thing


Just when I was ready to cut a check for 1,200# of these anchors, Chuck goes and removes the website.

Now that Steve seems to be back on the scene, things are looking up.

I have yet to see a decoy anchor that is substantially more useful than a strip of lead flashing w/hole drilled to attach the line.