Donmeyer Scull Boat for Sale

Posting this for a friend. Either contact me via PM or via his email directly. This is located in central Indiana.

Domeyer Scull Boat for Sale: The “Heinie” is Domeyer’s one man Humboldt Bay style scull boat. It is 13’9” in length and 42” wide, with a low profile of 16” high (plus coaming…), and weighs approx. 89lbs (according to manufacturer…) Special features on this boat include removable thru-hull bow handle, leather lined scull hole, solid oak oar locks and nylon-wrapped rowing oars, polyvinyl floor/ballast tray, 3” coaming, fiberglass-over-wood painted sculling oar… Boat was used primarily on back waters and rivers in Indiana, so it has been painted “dead grass green” (Flat Marine Enamel, FME). This boat is “not” rated for a motor. Price $1200.00
I transported the boat on top of my truck utilizing two pairs of YAKIMA Hully Rollers, a pair of Mako Saddles, and a custom foam block, which I will sell with the boat for an extra $125.00 (All YAKIMA misc. fastening hardware and straps included, YAKIMA Crossbars and Roof Mounts “not” included…)

Additional detailed pictures available upon request…
Contact Mike Rathke by e-mail at
