Early Season Goose Hunt

John Van Houten

Active member
Well a friend and I did a easy early season hunt this morning. Only shot 2, but it was enjoying. Not to many geese around right now, but the amount of ducks was unbelievable. Had wood ducks landing in the field. Huck was full bore this morning, (like every morning) he really loves it. View attachment 20200825_080820.jpg
Nicely done, looks like a fun hunt. What state was this? NY open on 9/1. Not many geese around but I'm excited to get out a bit and see if I can find a bird or two.
John Van Houten said:
J. In North Dakota, started August 15th, still kinda early but fun to get out.

In my old age August is looking good for waterfowling. Your buddy looks proud with his bird. Very nice.

What a GOOD (and Happy) DOG. [smile]

That is what the early "nuisance" Canada goose is all about, at least in my experience & my world since, it was first mandated.

Plus the young birds are delicious.

Without dog work, it just does not seem kosher IMO.
