First day hunting 2017

Is the river high up there too right now?? I now south of you, Pool 13/14 where I hunt, the waters up, which I love. can finally get to some spots haven't been able to get to in years.
Up 4-5' still...

I do like hunting the high water as well. I have always had more success, but it is difficult when all you singles are Texas rigged at 4' of line!
My big permanent blind on river has a long time beaver hutch about 10' from boat blind. Beavers generally swim thru decoys mornings we,re in blind and dive under dog platform to get to hutch. My older lab, now 12 would sit in dog door and watch them swim in & dive about 5' from her nose. New C.L.F this year, just 11 months old now and a lot more wired than old dog. Kind of curious as to what her reaction to that close encounter will be.
My new young Chessie would come unglued if a beaver was swimming that close to her. She still has issues staying in the boat under power. There is water splashing all over you know!
Got that issue myself w this pup. Constantly healing her to my side when on top in big boat. Soon as boat slows she becomes a hood ornament and comeing to a stop over she,ll go if not commanded to stay.Years ago had a Brittany that went off the front when comeing in to a landing fast and killing throttle. Boat went over her. Fortunately motor missed her. Been real cautious ever since with bow rideing dogs. Pup does great in ghenooe bow though. Confined space I think contributes to her sitting still.
As I was cleaning the birds tonight.. (after I was almost done) I noticed that one of mallards had 3 curls... might have been a nice mounter!
I have preferences, but I'm not prejudice. I'm an equal-opportunity shooter. Besides none of the great ducks are down yet!