Friday the 13th...

SJ Fairbank

Well-known member
Platinum Sponsor
has made a believer out of me. It's the first day of our second split, and we (my YL Trapper and I) can't miss it especially since the new MLB Chuck Huff is ready for battle. Brought the camera to get a picture to post to the "Crack" thread, but it wasn't to be today. The boat is great, rides nice, grasses up well, all is good with the boat.

Not so the old 3 hp, about a mile from the launch a couple of puffs of smoke and some flames out the exhaust signal trouble. Failure was not unexpected since this particular motor abandoned ship while running about five years ago, and was subsequently rescusitated. In any event flames are disconcerting at 5:00am. Choices were fire extinguisher or send it to Davey Jones, chose option "A", no damage outside the motor, more scary than anything else. Over forty years on the water, a first.

OK, we're in a sneakboat everybody knows they row like a dream. Out come the brand new oars, take about ten strokes to get up to speed, hey this is actually fun. SNAP! The expertly cast bronze starboard oarlock shank is history, right at the crack where the foundry put it. Thanks guys, another first. So I paddle like hell just to get to shore in the middle of the marsh, the wind is blowing a good 20-25, now how am I gonna get home? Kedge for a mile? I'm reluctant to toss the hook because the rope will probably break.

Well, Trapper says make the best of it, OK, throw out a couple BD's, but the tide is really high and the anchor lines are too short for this spot and they float away. Luckily they snag on a corner about 100 yards away, so I double up some line on a couple more and they hold. Only saw a couple of birds close and they lit with the floaters across the way. Trapper blames me, you know the look.

Naturally there's very few other guys out, they know better, so I call a guy to come get me. Thank God the cell phone works. Before he arrives all I can think is what will happen to him when he try's to launch. Thankfully, all is good until we start in, then things start looking up- a pair of eagles give us a buzz within about 25 yards. Hey, nice to see them, they, or a pair like them, have been around for some years. Well, old baldy must know the date since he makes a quick circle right overhead and attempts to butt bomb us. He missed, but my buddy says I was reaching for the gun.

I'm buyin' lotto tickets this afternoon, I must be due.
Had a black cat in the front yard this morning.

I ran outside underneath my painters ladder, threw a mirror I was carrying (plucking my eye brows) @ it as it ran in front of me.

I then returned to the house after tripping over a crack in the cement.
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Wispete, I was hoping somebody would get a laugh! I sure didn't think it was funny after the oarlock broke, but once we made the launch, well, huntin' wouldn't be huntin' without a good story....

So things didn't turn out as grim as they started- Hard to say how it happened, but I was driving by a boat dealer and a 8 hp Yamaha suddenly attached itself to the transom like a barnacle, can't seem to shake the darn thing. Tried to get it off the transom for about an hour at between idle and half throttle, will try higher speed tomorrow @ 0-dark thirty. If it doesn't come off then, guess I'm gonna have to live with it. ;-)
Glad I decided to hunt with someone else yesterday!!! Sorry about your troubles yesterday but you'll never forget the day.
Ohh those barnacles, some times you just have to learn to live with them.( : )

Mine didn't start this morning. Had to row all the way to the blind. Missed my relaxing cup of coffee. Threw the last decoy out just at opening. My day to put out the decoys. My partner had too leave early. Tomorrow is the the last hurrah.

End of the season Wispete? That's a bummer.

Your motor didn't want to fire up today? That's what you get for showing sympathy! Glad your oarlocks didn't come from Bigcrack Foundry like mine. On the other hand, I'm happy to report that the new Yamaha has proven itself after a couple hours of break-in, and now resides permanently on the back of the sneakbox. Tomorrow's adventure is pulling another boat from the marina and scraping some real barnacle's.
Don't feel bad, even though my huff is in the shop for repairs I still made it out yesterday for a layout hunt. Unfortunately at the end of the hunt I went overboard and couldn't touch bottom. Luckily I hooked my arm around the starboard gunwale and was no worse for the wear. I'm sure glad it was 64 degrees here yesterday. The guys I was hunting with wouldn't even start a fire for me! It seems the duck gods have it in for me this year.

Have a great season, I have a motor sitting in my basement looking for a Huff to go hunting with. To bad your in CT....
