Full Body Duck Decoys...

Kevin Inskeep

New member
Looking for some info on Full Body duck decoys. I have owned 2 doz ghg mallards for about 10 years and am happy with them. I'm wanting to add 1 doz widgeons or pins. Anyone have any info for me on either Tanglefree or Blue Coller ?
Any commercial made decoy these days is going to do the job. Brand loyalty is really just that everyone is bound to recommend what they are using because it reinforces that they made the right choice when they dropped several hundred bucks for some plastic molded into the shape of a duck. Not saying you should not do your research you should. But in the end its going to come down to a balance of what you want to spend, who has the best sale price and what you feel looks the most real ( or what the largest number of people told you looks the most real).
or if you can drive 11 minutes to the avery store instead of ordering off the internet... I dont even order a pizza let alone goods and services. Weird yeah, but I can drive 11 minutes and be at the avery store so far its worked ok. travis
NICE !! Thanks guys. I agree with both of your points. I have been shootin ducks for about 35 years now and have shot over just about every kind of commercial grade deek out there! I was looking for info on durability and wherewithall. I have done a hands on test with the Blue Collar but not the Tangle free. I see that Blue Collar wigeons are fully flocked now. I dont know anyone that owns Tanglefree deeks and their full bodies are relatively new to the market so yes before I dump $300 on a dozen fakes I want to be sure I'm getting something that will look good in 3 4 5 years. Does anyone know of another brand of full body ducks?? under $300 a dozen. I hunt the mighty Columbia river in western Oregon and she is tidal so most days half our time is over water and the other half of the hunt is over sand / silt and the full body ducks ( and geese ) are money for decoying ducks away from the water

I have the pro series Tanglefree Mallards and the BW Teal. These are standard size decoys. Mallards have seen three seasons and the Teal five. I like the decoys and the paint is holding up well on the Mallards. The BW on the other hand are very nice in form but the paint is coming off and I'm using slotted bags in an attempt to keep them nice for a few more years. Hope this helps.
Thanks . I use the slotted Avery bag for my GHG mallards, they are not flocked but I will definitely be using a slotted bag as well as individual bags if I go with the fully flocked Blue Collar wigeons. Hmmm...Didn't know Tanglefree made full body BW teal..interesting, havn't seen them on their website or a google search, I will check again ! Are you talking fully body Tanglefree BW teal and mallards ? or floaters ?
Thanks for the input
Oops...my bad. Your right, no full body Teal! Just a general observation on quality of product.
never hunted with the tanglefree deeks, but when i picked up and felt the pintail fb's i wasnt impressed... just dont seem like they are as sturdy. Maybe thats an issue with fb maybe not, but its always an issue with my floater deeks... every thin feeling chinese deek gets broken way before the paints an issue... I didnt get that feeling (like the super thin chinense), but i didnt get the warm fuzzy feeling either.
Everyone hunts different..., slotted bags for us for floaters would be impractical, as huge spreads set up and picked up daily are the norm. I swear when i set fb's up with those bags it takes more time and effort for 3 dozen deeks than 10 dozen floaters. And I HATE spending 70 bucks for as decoy bag for a dozen deeks, seems crazy. will be flocking a mobile spread next year so i guess some more 70 dollar deek bags are in my future. travis
Who the heck am I .??

Not sure if that question is directed at me or not..?
I am a newbie here

Nope directed at Travis, he's an old regular who we don't see much of these days.
Had the worst duck season of my life... ice ice baby early season.. skunked 5 hunts in a row. never in my life have i been skunked 5x in a row. there are decades i havent been skunked 5x. broke ice until I hated the shit so bad I was drinking my whiskey outta the bottle cause i couldnt stand da rocks. Thursday before christmas I shot by myself, it was my day to have the super concentration of ducks in our area, our pitfield was littered with them. a limit by 648 (only limit I had of the season) me and da juice ran to the 4 tire to get off field by 7 oclock, hoping they be back... took till 11 to shoot 8 ducks between 4 guns the next day... sheez. sat before new years woke up with my neck not working right, by 4 am my right arm was on fire (had slipped 2 disks and pinched off nerve to right arm), drove to arkieland with my arm over my head, by 715 was out of blind couldnt sit still. when i left at 830 (the only time in my life I ever ended a hunt early) I knew my season was done... I was right, had to fuse 3 vertebra and repair 2 disks. had the surgery the next week, was back at work 5 days later, but no mo duck season. Itll be at least a month before he oks me to even ride a 4 wheeler, let alone shoot (who cares about shooting comapred to going).
the earle widgeon have been pushed out by the spawn of the devil itself, the pintail. we have them by the thousands... when ya can kill em, you got to stop WAY to early with 2 apeice.. but most days they just fly around without a care in the world.

in an effort in our war against the pintail, I actually painted deeks this year... I made about 50 pintail deeks to go with the 4 dozen we normally have.. thinking if everyone has a spread with a few pins on the side, I ought to have a spread of pins with some mallards on the side.. yeah, they dont care. but i had fun painting them and will go further with it next year with some flocking and what not.

had a health scare fall before last (a tia temp stroke). you wouldnt recognize me... lost 60 pounds, was jogging this fall so I could do remote ghille smacks on birds we roost (sneaking in dark to set up while others are hunting in more tradational places... is awesome). once this neck heals up, ill be back on pintail ninja mode, and hope to have 150 pin deep spread next year, as well as flocking my spec deeks. tj is 16 now, driving, trains dogs with me everyday and works at the shop parking cars for me in the afternoons and on saturdays. hes still my best friend and my kid, as well my business partner and hunting buddy. tj is an accomplished dog trainer and handler himself, and is thinking after college thats his bag and what he wants to do. Im trying to convince him of a better career path, like learning to lick his eyebrows and marrying an ugly rich woman, but you know kids these days, cant see forrest for the trees! travis
That's a rough road...but you seem to be taking it typical Goosebruce style...head on.
Good news about the boy...but hand him a Mason jar with a dime in the bottom. Tell him when he can flip the dime without using his hands - better than licking his eyebrows - his worries will be over and his future as a full time dog trainer assured...
I put on some weight going through an MBA program...full time work, school, no sleep and stress. This is my year to start getting back to a weight that my knees like.
Sorry to hear about the widgeon...they are one of my favorite birds...but to have them replaced by pintails is cool. It could be worse; could be black ducks, and then you'd be finished after one instead of two.
Sorry for the confusion. Travis is "just up the road" in Memphis, and he's scarce around the website these days.
To answer your question, partially, I also have a few GHG fullbodies to run on the river sandbars, etc. I saw Tanglefree (I think) tonight when I stopped into our new Bass Pro store. Widgeons. the floaters were ugly, and the fullbodies were marginally better. I did not see a set of decoys I would honestly gun over at that store, and that's depressing.
Damn Travis that's some rough crap you've gone through. Hope it works out the best for you. Love to hear TJ is doing well - our kids have sure grown up while we have been part of this site. Hell, all three of mine will be over 30 by years end.

Best to you,
Yup, drewman is 24, ty is 23 now, tj 16... Drew and ty drifted away from it like a lot of teenagers do, ty is back seriously deer hunting and I suspect probably not long before he gets back into ducks as well ( then again he is cheap, so he might like the ideal of 1 bullet 100 pounds of food a lot better!), drews been dove hunting a hand ful of times over the last 4 or 5 years thats about it. Tj shows NO signs of drifting away from it, we both agreed to scale back on our dog stuff some this year on client dogs, and I no longer judge retreiver hunt tests, so thats a lot of time we can spend being decent family members and maybe even fish.. ha. Tj has a couple buddies that hunt with us whenever we have an empty seat, and are ate up with the dogs so they ride with us every weekend just about. Besides the food it takes for 3 teenagers its pretty sweet deal, i buy the fuel id bought anyway, they unload the trailer and clean up when we get home! ha. travis
rick, belive me when you think that lil 'extra' weight is making a difference... I never dreamed i was 50 lbs overweight... i lost 60 and could stand another 15. put a lil back on since i been down and with antibotics and what not, but i wont ever go back to being like that. The belt im wearing I was on the last belt hole... I still wear it as a reminder, i went thru 5 holes and poked 2 more of my own from where i started. the pills and condtions I shed along the way was mind blowing... the aches of pains of growing old are a lie, its from growing diesased... i felt better than i had in 15 years easy. Ive become quite the chef, as I have literally eaten myself healthy and become a student of nutrution just like i always learned about anything else that intrested me. One of the best parts of being obessive like I am, is when you focus it on something good... hehe.
Best advice I got on weight loss... nothing tastes as good as feeling good feels. You got to eat real food for a bit to even understand it, but when you do its not a will power thing any longer, every meal is a chance to feel and be better... kinda neat. travis
Travis, I hear you on the weight loss! Hate that you had to go through what you did to lose it, but it probably added years to your life.
I topped out at 220# in 2003, was taking pills for this & that, intermittent sleep apnea, acid reflux, borderline high BP, high cholesterol, and felt like shit. Then on day thought I was gonna have a heart attack chasing a cripple across a grass flat and said to hell with this!
Changed my diet, started walking everyday. By time my current wife & I got married in May 2006, I was down to 150#. That was too skinny, I stay around 160# now.
I could never go back to being overweight.
Anyone out there on the DHBP who thinks they cant do it, you can. Just put your mind to it. You will be amazed by how much better you feel everyday. PM me if you want some advice.
WOW !!! EXTREMELY weird to me that this topic went from full body ducks to...weight loss. But the cool thing is..the weight loss replies are a direct hit for me as I have focused on loosing weight in the last year and have gone from 242 down to 219 by doing as you guys have, changing what I eat and how much I eat. My wife is a runnin freak in the last 3 years so I started taggin along with her but I lost the most weight when the Dr told me to change diet and get on a calorie count so thats what I did. 2200 a day
and that has proven to be what works. I had to laugh about the chasing the cripple story because the same very thing happened to me!! runnning in waders with 3 layers of clothes on in just under knee deep silt about made me puke...for a stinkin hen wigeon !! HAHA
So my congrats to you guys shedding weight. I tended to stray off the diet during duck season, you know, getting up early, getting home late, eating like a pig when dinner hits the table!! but now that duck season is over, I am back to watching my calories and once the snow clears I will be back on the high school track pounding out 3 miles 3 times a week after work. You guys are correct. I'm 43 and loosing just 25 pounds or so made me feel like I was 25 years old again !! I havn't felt that good about my self my entire marriage ( 17 years ) I have had 3 knee surgeries in the last 15 years and at 245 my knees hurt like hell almost evryday, but loosing the wieght made that problem go away, blood pressure is down and wifey is happy I will prob be around a few more years now too !! My goals are low, I want to be down around 190 by next duck season