I'm so sorry ...

I would weigh in on the like side of this one. No it is not a show about duck hunting BUT it is a show about family, belief in GOD, and a lot of the good basic country things that have disapeared from most peoples lives. I really dont give a ---- if they are rich or not or if those things really happen to them. Also not to be a prude or overly religious and anyone who knows me knows I am not- it is really refreshing to watch a show without any poorly bleeped out F bombs. They even have a token Vietnam Vet. I think anyone who claims to not like the show should take a very close look at this one and then try to find something worth watching on another channel. Oh well, enough of my H.O.P. Good night all.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot if any of you are worried about "our image" on any media you just have not been paying attention to all the "hunting shows" have you???? I can't watch any of them anymore. I think the last one that was worth my time was "Water Dog" which I did enjoy until it got canceled or moved so I don't get it anymore.
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Even though alot of this show is scripted...Phil Robertson is a genuine man with conviction. What I have seen with this show is that many people that watch it become more accepting of water fowling.....and that is a positive contribution to our sport. Nothing wrong with some folks taking their business one step further.
If they are for duck hunting, how can they be against duck hunting? The orthodox east coast or upper midwest hunting traditions, repleat with wooden boats and hand carved blocks, aren't the only hunting traditions in this country. Might you see also that there could be those who, when considering the wooden boat and block crowd, have a similar contempt? Let he who is without sin pepper-shoot the first shot shell.

I once knew nothing about the duck commander other than he had a visual that commanded attention. It was on DBHF that I heard he was but a duck killer for numbers, gruff, irreverant and mean. So, though I knew nothing about the man, I decided that I didn't like the Duck Commander for those reasons related to me here.

Now I find out that my wife likes to watch DD. We don't have cable and I've little time for TV, but she saw it at her sister's and then got the DVD. I watched a few episodes and found them to be likable. They weren't intellectual, but kind of silly funny, but way better than the culture crap typically on TV. Their lifestyle is different than mine but not very far from the typical southern, rural population. Likely, they would be out of place hunkering the rocks of Nova Scotia, but so might be an Eddie Bauer type who with his stylish over and under orates on the untangables of his hand-carved set up while wondering if they were too good to be tossing into a muddy button brush hole.

I think the take away here is that the waterfowling tradition is long and varied. Inasmuch, we should, and I believe most of us do, embrace the personal, as well as the regional and cultural, differences among us. These are what make travel hunts so much more interesting than the hunt itself. I'd be happy, happy, happy to sit in a reconditiond RV blind in some delta oxbow just as much as laying in a hand built sneakboat among some hand carveds floating on the Chesapeake. I'm happy that I've come to know the DC better and to now like him rather than harbor contempt for him.
Man if folks have problems with Businessmen, Entertainers, Celebraties, not to mention Politicians, and Sports figures LYING. Hunters & Fishermen who "Always tell the truth and obey the laws" gotta be in deep Do-Do. Waterfowling has DEEP roots in Outlaw Culture, and it's still very much in practiced from the top down, unfortunately.................
To All:

As I originally posted on this thread: "I'm so sorry ..." to have offended anyone with this discussion. Admittedly, my original post -- on re-reading it -- comes across as way too "high-and-mighty." I am genuinely sorry to have come across this way. In reality, I do enjoy watching the show with my wife, and we get a lot of laughs from it. Also, if that's their style of life and hunting -- all to the good. More importantly, I'm impressed that they share my faith in God and a personal Savior.

I guess I did "stir the pot" here ... And, in the process, proved that we're a proud bunch who write well, holding on to what we believe in!

I am totally confused by your post. You speak of such disdain for the show in your original post and then go on to say in the second that you and your wife get lots of laughs and you like that they share your faith. So, what is your beef then??

I personally like the show...a lot. My kids love the show and my wife laughs a lot when she watches. If she is walking by the TV, she will actually stop and watch or a bit. The show teaches respect for your elders as you can see how the kids treat their parents and Phil and Kay. It teaches family values and at the end of every episode - faith. It's NOT a duck hunting show, it's about a family that duck hunts. I am a little lost as to how they make duck hunting look "bad". I have a lot of friends who don't duck hunt or even own a gun but now have a bit more respect for hunting and may consider trying since the Robertson's do it tastefully. I have met Jase and Willie and got a little tutorial from Jase about wood duck calling. Learned more in 15 minutes than I would have learned in a lifetime. Thinking that the whole family is bad because of a few things about Phil that bothers you is not right. These are good people who give back ten-fold to the church and community.
To All:

As I originally posted on this thread: "I'm so sorry ..." to have offended anyone with this discussion. Admittedly, my original post -- on re-reading it -- comes across as way too "high-and-mighty." I am genuinely sorry to have come across this way. In reality, I do enjoy watching the show with my wife, and we get a lot of laughs from it. Also, if that's their style of life and hunting -- all to the good. More importantly, I'm impressed that they share my faith in God and a personal Savior.

I guess I did "stir the pot" here ... And, in the process, proved that we're a proud bunch who write well, holding on to what we believe in!

I was't offended by your original post. I simple posted a different view. If I was offended everytime someone disagreed with me, I would have little time to be anything else, let alone happy.
I think they stole the beards and sunglasses from ZZ Top. I watched on episode the first season. For entertainment I'd sooner watch The Beverly Hillbillies.
The worst thing to happen to duck hunting is someone who thinks they know what they are talking about and has no clue, go ahead chuck delete this! your know it all attitude is astounding, if you have never seen the show , then dont comment about it just to hear yourself talk, phil Robertson, has probably done more for our sport than I gurantee you have, the show has nothing to do with duck hunting!
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It's a TV show, and as such is meant for entertainment. It's not a documentary about duck hunting in American... it's a reality television show designed to entertain. To be honest, I think it's just about the funniest show on TV and the ONLY reality show I can stomach watching.
As about as polar as the replies are I find myself on the fence about this. I have watched Duck Commander videos prior to the TV show ever coming out and always enjoyed Uncle Si's humor but no duck hunting video ever was any good to me, all killing no teaching or anything actually intriguing that goes into a hunt.

I started off by hating the Duck Dynasty show. With an opinion of this is nothing but rednecks making a fool of themselves just to make a buck.

However, after seeing many people in my generation and much younger now watching it and coming to me with questions about waterfowling I have to think it has done some good. With all of the anti-hunting and urbanization this country faces I think the show is a great asset to promoting hunting and kids in the outdoors. Sure it may not be what we see as the ideal way for kids to gain interst in hunting but it is way better than no experience with hunting. Like many have said it provides good core values that the whole family can watch without sensorship.

This is the first I have heard about Phil's shady past, someone enlighten me.
I did not like the Robertson's it the 90's... I didn't like the Duck Commander TV series... I Will not watch Duck Dynasty...

I do not think DD does anything positive for waterfowling or hunting in general.