Is this the deal of the day!?

Yukon Mike

Well-known member
I think it is a scam.

My brother in law in Calgary sent an email about it, and the boat is actually in Florida. Are they giving boats away down there!?

its getting purity bad down here, but you know the Jones will do anything to keep up....................... then when times get a little hard......... they loose it all.

there are some good deals out there
I'd say scam. It is a pretty common scam on craigslist to advertise something at an outrageously low price. That is a $100,000 boat. They will probably ask for 20% to hold it or something like that and you would never see the boat or hear from them again. It is also a way to get email addresses for people with disposable income. Not sure why it would be advertised in Calgary if it isn't a scam. Unless you can actually go see the item craigslist is too full of scams to trust.
Small tractors are a favorite scam on craigslist and even ebay. Someone inherits a tractor in the USA but they live in say Canada or the UK so it is no use to them, they are willing to sell it cheap just to get rid of it.

Hey Michael good to see you again.


The old tractor scam eh? It is interesting that this boat was not listed on craigslist in Florida that I could find. If it was for real, it would have sold locally in seconds. Why advertise international? AND she was offering free shipping to Calgary. Might have to let this one go.
