Labrador names


Active member
Ok.....the battle has begun in our household for the name of our new female chocolate lab we are getting from Al. I have always named my labs but now my kids are involved and especially my hard headed daughter (16). Shes going to feminine for me with her names. You guys have any ideas? I like Rio....but its "toooo masculine" for my daughter. What say you:)? Thanks for any input!!!!!! Jake
I have a female choc lab and when we were choosing names my girls came up with Mocha. Other names were Hershey, Coco.
I didnt even get to pic our Daisy ,my daughter said that one dad,,why i asks she has pink nose and paws sure enough my 5 year old had spied the only one in the little that had pink toes to go withthe nose....tho she is a redish blonde ,,Ill have you know i am always driving miss daisy

the best of luck
When my GSP died, I wanted a large male chocolate lab named Longstreet ( after the Confederate General).... I ended up with a female chocolate lab named Molly..sometimes the women win. BUT, I trained the dog to act as I wanted, and she does. So, I can live with the stupid name.

When my GSP died, I wanted a large male chocolate lab named Longstreet ( after the Confederate General).... I ended up with a female chocolate lab named Molly..sometimes the women win. BUT, I trained the dog to act as I wanted, and she does. So, I can live with the stupid name.


You like the NY Yankees, and tried to name your dog after Longstreet instead of Chamberlain? Are you sure you're from Maine? LOL. I'm glad to see the women in your life are trying to keep you out of trouble.
Well, here's a list of the names of our labs.

Katie,Lacey,Abby,Maggie,Daisey,Bailey,Amber,Raven,Suzie,Parker,Dillon,Moose,Zeus and Charlie.

Feel free to use one. LOL
Ours have been- Goldie, Buffy, Daisy, Missy and Suzie.

Try to stay away from names that sound similar to commands. For instance if your dog's name is "Lowell" (I made that up...), you wouldn't want to call him "Lowe" for short. Sounds too similar to the command "NO". Too confusing for an energetic pup.

Part of the fun of getting a new pup is the naming game.

I like Mango. Had it been thought of when I adopted my Black Dog, that's what I would've changed his name to. Next one perhaps......

I like Sara, Maggie, Sam, Bob (if I ever have another girl dog, it'll get named Bob), Aspen, Abby, Cat....those off the top of my head

If possible wait to see what your new pup's personality is.
All of my dogs have names we use (and they respond to them)that are not their official names.
don't be in too much of a hurry your pup may name herself, John
I've always enjoyed naming my pups. My first were bird dogs, a brit and 2 springers.

Jester Grouse Bane -- Jesse
Highjinks Grouse Bane -- Jinks
Impetuous Grouse Bane -- Imp
(can you spot the Tolkien influence?)

My labs:

Beaver Bog Buddy -- Bogs
Salt Marsh Buddy -- Marsh Could have gone Salt or Salty for short - Should have gone Swampy or "Mash Gas" as he was the stinkyest dog ever, when we got him.

A female following this water theme could be "Bay".
I met a BLF that was named Onyx, which I liked for a blk dog. Just need to come up with a brown jewel, or heck how about Jewel?

Have fun with the naming!

Thanks for all the input! It is fun. Going to have to wait like some of you have said. They were born a couple days ago so have to wait on checking out personalities. Have a great day! jake
We had a chessie named Rio ... when we lived in Farmington. Keeping with the NM (spanish) theme, here are a few that may work for a female ... FWIW

My yellow labs are Yukon Jack (the yellow liker), Waterwalker, Charlie Brown and last but not least Booker T. I have always let the dog show its personality and take your time, you will have to live with it. Don't let your daughter push you around on this one, that bit of advice from someone with no kids at all. ;-)
Had the same problem when my daughter was young. She was determined that we were going to name our chocolate lab female after one of the Disney princesses. I envisioned myself in the blind sending Cinderella on retrieves. Finally settled on Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" which was tolerable.

That was sixteen years ago and Belle is still with us, but she has long been retired from the field. All others have been males.

I have let the kids chose the names with a few guidelines ( must be short names, preferably one syllable, and must not sound to close to any commands)

Good Luck the fun is just beginning!

Jay C
Call names: Breeze, Teal, Marsh, Skye, Tule, Tide, Brace, Pearl, Bail, Tack, Lee, Reef and Keel come to mind.

Apparently I have too many boats and not enough dogs.
My Lab is Rebekah's Mighty OZ, call name 'Supper', kidding, OZ.
Eng Setter is Cimbar's Myown Arrieta.
Cavelier Spaniel is Atticus.
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My wife and son got our lab from the shelter....he came with the name "COMET" but he is a little thick around the chest so I call him "PUDGE".