March Whats on your workbench?

My first wooden body and first Barrow's GE. The body is White pine from Brandon and shape is definitely Geoff Vine inspired. Still needs to be hollowed and cleaned up. Although cork shapes much faster, I enjoyed the process.


MLBob, very nice heads. Can you post a picture from the underside of the bill? That part always seems to intimidate me and I have been just leaving them flat.
Can you post a picture from the underside of the bill? That part always seems to intimidate me and I have been just leaving them flat.


That's what I do.

I'll make some quick cuts to define the lower mandible, but other than that I'll leave the bottom flat.

View attachment bills 001.jpg

If I do add any details to the bottom -like with this mallard - I'll do it with paint, and that doesn't take but a minute.

View attachment bills 002_renamed_12648.jpg

Birds that have a fairly solid-colored lower mandible - like this pintail drake - I'll just paint a solid color::

View attachment bills 003.jpg

Now, I definitely admit to liking doing carving and paint detail on the top side of my bills - always have. ("You get the bill you got the bird" - Well, not entirely, but it sure adds a lot IMO ).
View attachment Widhen 001 (600 x 399).jpg

View attachment bills 004.jpg

For the most part, I feel my carving & painting techniques are efficient; what I'm capable of pulling off; and what work for me.

What I do know for sure is that I sure enjoy doing this;and, when it comes down to it, I guess I think that form and function can & should be compatible.
That being said, I have no argument with anyone who feels differently.
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I have said it befor and I will say it again, you mr furia are not only a furrowly nice chap but a very talented artist toboot.
HEY! Artist? - Nah.

View attachment Uncle-Si-Robertson-from-Duck-Dynasty.jpg

Thanks for the kind words Scotty, but when it comes to decoys, art can become pretty much what anybody makes it out to be and an artist is anybody who says he is one. I'll settle for competent craftsman. That would be someone who gives value for value and appreciates that people like what they do, because they like what they do. But when one starts taking this too seriously in terms of "art," I'm always reminded ofthe Hans Christian Anderson story about the weaver who convinces the Emperor that he has created a suit that can only be seen by people with real taste and virtue.......and we all know how that one ends ;-)

"Decoy Arteests"....Aren't those people who like to butter their toast with their fingers just so they can feel its 'texture,' and who ramble on about 'personal style'??
A competent craftsman it is. I carve decoys you carve competent craft floating ducks.. How's that sound. The big difference ,
Is , anyone would enjoy watching your birds float. Its only me that likes watching mine. :) :)
R.C. I like that GE something different as far as the style then your last birds and its very cool. Ill be down at the Bay City Festival this year as I was appointed to the CWAC and we will be setting season dates at our meeting during the festival. Are you entering any decoys into the contest this year?
barely under the wire for march. bought some nice african rosewood for keels. Hopefully get them done this weekend

