Need help with a welder

Andrew Holley

Well-known member
I am a pretty good mild steel welder, but want to start welding aluminum, and need some help with the setup.
I currently have an older Linclon Idealarc DC-250 with an LN-7 wire feed. Can this weld alum? Do I need a different feeder? I know alum won't feed thru my existing setup, would like to get a push pull gun first or a spool gun. There is an ebay listing for a Corba unit, but no whip or gun is this what I need?
Andrew - I cannot help you on what kind of welder to use, as it has been many years. When I worked for Westinghouse in the 1970's, as a Tape Machine Operator, I had to butt weld Aluminum Flat Wire, that was used in many electric transformers. An inspector had to OK the weld, and then I could continue to tape (cover) the wire.

Welding Aluminum took awhile for me to become good at, each time was a challenge. I wish you well, and don't get discouraged. When you fail, as I did, you Will Use some very profane loud language...
You may be able to get by with what you have but most likely will need a spool gun. The soft aluminum wire tends to bind up in the long stretch of the standard set-up. With aluminum, you have to "push" the weld, as opposed to pulling the weld with steel.

If you are experienced with welding steel,a real good way to get a little help is to look on YouTube. There is an incredible amount of information and educational materials on there.

Good luck!

Don't you need to use a shielding gas to weld aluminum? Like a MIG or TIG unit? Just a thought. Used a MIG unit for a batch of years in the '70's during my race car days.