Need help with cutting torch- back fires

Andrew Holley

Well-known member
So I bought a torch yesterday from Praxair. I have several jobs lined up where I am sick of cutting old welds off with an offset grinder. I have set the cutting torch up per the chart included in the kit and as I adjust the oxygen to get a neutral flame, it starts popping (back firing) and goes out.
My tip label reads 0-3-101. I am assuming this is a size 3 tip, per the chart I should have 40 -45 psi of oxygen and 4-8 psi of acetylene.
Any thoughts?
Go to the welding supply place you are getting your tanks from and ask for their help. They come to our multiple work places an provide training every year. If it a good shop I bet they will help you out, including a safety review. We have found that even guys with 20+ years learn or are reminded of something.

Been to many years since I did much playing with the torch so I can give you any settings. I'd say off the top of my head that you may need to increase the acetylene flow a tad. Not necessarily the pressure, but open up the flow just a tad. Other thing might be to pull the tip and make sure the seating surfaces are clean and you and not getting any leakage between gases.
your cutting tip is not seated in the torch
make sure the tip is meant for the torch

when you put the tip in the end of the torch and put the retainer nut on, if the seal (tapered surfaces) on the back of the tip do not sit flush and seal when tightend , the tip will
blowback and do just what you are stating