New Guy from ON.

Piotr M Guzik

New member
Hello All
I am new to and am happy to havefound a great site like it. I currently live in Kitchener Ontario and have recently moved here from Cincinnati Ohio. This was my second bird season, and I must admit it is a lot harder than Bowhunting!
I own 1 lab which is my first attempt @ training and going well. Thanks to Mark Edwards of Tidewater Golden Retrievers(maybe some of you guys know of him).
I am looking forward to being here.... and hope I may be of some knowledgeable help....

Piotr aka peter
Welcome to the best site around! Feel free to chime in whenever you can.

Also, this is by far the best resource for guys just getting started.

Take care,
Piotr,welcome aboard.I have been to Kitchner, to visit my wifes relatives in the Stratford area.
Welcome Piotr,
Second bird season; it is a lot of fun isn't it? I think you will find the partnership that develops between you and your dog will make this the most meaningful kind of hunting there is.

This site is cool in that it isn't only about duck boats per se, it's about the whole package from hand carved and classic decoys, boats and types of hunting from across the continent and for me the most important part, the great retrievers a lot of us have to work with.
Piotr Welcome to Canada me son,,so what ya think of the red necks north of the border??lol im in nova scotia on the east coast...i got a few relatives scattered all over ontario... i lived there for 2 years missed the ocean came home....

my son... im a doin justa fine.. i loves me Canada. How are tings up tere in N.S?
Glad to hear from all you fine lads. North of the border rednecks are fine, maybe be a little low key to what I am used to.

Piotr aka Peter
lard tunderin jasus bye yur right in dare arnt ya got da lingo down pat..hehehe

ya we are low key mostly a get a round to it
Believe it or not I had no idea what a Newfi was til I moved to Ontario. Not saying you are, but the way they talk was new to me and I thought it was so funny. I could not understand half of what they said. My father in-law happens to be a Newfi.
To be honest with you, at the time that I moved. I had never hunted ducks/geese in my life. I started bow hunting in Ohio and then when I moved to Kitch. I decided I needed a new hobby other than bow hunting.
I moved to Ontario because my wife if from here, and she did not want to move to Ohio.

Welcome aboard Piotr,

You surfed into a great place to hang your hat and pull up a chair to the 'letric pot belly stove. We look forward to hearing your stories and post pictures if you got'em....We love pictures.

I got a kick out of the Newfi line.....Although I live in Illinois I was born in St. John's, Newfoundland and all I have is pictures! One of these days I need to get up there and see what it looks klike, eh?

Maybe have to stop on my way and say hi to Shermie.

Take care,

Ed L.