Eric Patterson

Staff member
Cassie, who almost always sleeps inside, was left out last night. 3:30 a.m. I'm sound asleep having gotten to bed kind of late. I'm awakened to her bark. Twice she lets loose with a loud bark and then peels out on the patio in hot pursuit. Seconds later there is a hiss. Dam neighbors cat got inside our back yard. Silence. I mean nothing. I quickly start to drift back into my sleep but something is wrong. Smells like tires burning. Son of a .....! Cassie you idiot you just ran down a skunk that for some unknown reason got in our backyard. The odor is so bad I'm up all night and develop a headache. This morning I check on Cassie and she has the most pathetic look of depression on her face. Olfactory senses are in a state of shock. I'm at work and can still smell it.

Any recommendations for getting the odor out? Please nobody say tomato juice. I'm tired and am not going to hear that one much less bathe her in tomato juice. Too much damn mess.


p.s. Be sure to read We want your support.

From the subject line I knew what this was about before even opening it up. While I have a LOT of experience with skunk odor on my dogs, shoes, clothes and self I haven't had occasion to use what is purported to be the best solution. I've seen it around for 10 years or so and in no instance have I heard that it didn't work.

My old remedy was tomato juice and dish soap that also worked..............sort of. Actually I couldn't smell skunk on my dog at all after the tomato juice treatment............after a month or so.

Try the peroxide, dish soap and baking soda and be sure to tell us how well it did.
Cassie, who almost always sleeps inside, was left out last night.

Guess that will earn her an inside sleeping spot once again. hehe

I may be just lucky or something, I don't think my dog Jack will mess with a skunk. It almost seems as his outlook is,, If it don't have feathers, I ain't chasing it. Rabbits and squirrels in the yard get none of his attention.

I hope the peroxide mixture works for you.
LOL Gallon or two of scent killer deer hunter's spray, soap, etc. I had a bud that insisted on hosing some drags with skunk scent as a cover when we went hunting. He'd keep them in a ziplock in th eback of the truck, and 'freshen them up' when we got to the woods. I'd sneak and spray some scent killer in his bag, and he'd just get mad, saying that cheap bottled skunk scent wasn't very good, and 'freshen it up again', the scent killer worked, to mine and his noses, anyway.LOL
Glad to hear your summer training program is going so well......Please have her de-scented by duck season if she wants to ride in my boat.. :)
douche will work although you will probably get some funny looks down at the CVS when you tave an arm load up to the counter.
The peroxide method works amazingly well also.
Just remember, some dogs develop a taste for skunk.
Good Luck
16 oz. (2 cups) Peroxide

16 oz. (2 cups) Distilled Water

¼ cup baking soda

1 oz. On non-scented shampoo

This is my deer hunting home made scent killer solution. It makes my boots smell like nothing, so I'd imagine it might work on skunk. Scented shampoo might be a good substitution in this situation.

Put it in a spray bottle and apply liberally. You will get some foaming from the baking soda and peroxide reaction with each other.


My buddy in Texas, Fred, raised and trained dogs and always carried massengil douce in the truck with him, specifically to deal with skunk odor. I was going through his truck box one day and came across the douce and asked........"Fred, is there something you need to tell us here"? ;) Thankfully, it was for the dogs.

I have a Golden who was sprayed directly in the face/chest several years ago. I let him out for the last time in the evening and he was out the door like a lightning bolt and around the front of the house. I chased after him knowing that he was after something. He grabbed the skunk in his mouth and I yelled to drop it. That's when he received the direct spray. I used the peroxide recipe several times and it didn't seem to work well. What did, and you may not want to hear this, was the tomato juice. I did it in the backyard. Hose him down to get him wet, dump a big can on him, scrub him up and try to rub it in to the roots, and hose him off. That really seemed to take the bulk of the stench away. That dog would still smell like skunk when he got wet almost a year later.

Good luck.
Cassie, who almost always sleeps inside, was left out last night. 3:30 a.m. I'm sound asleep having gotten to bed kind of late. I'm awakened to her bark. Twice she lets loose with a loud bark and then peels out on the patio in hot pursuit. Seconds later there is a hiss. Dam neighbors cat got inside our back yard. Silence. I mean nothing. I quickly start to drift back into my sleep but something is wrong. Smells like tires burning. Son of a .....! Cassie you idiot you just ran down a skunk that for some unknown reason got in our backyard. The odor is so bad I'm up all night and develop a headache. This morning I check on Cassie and she has the most pathetic look of depression on her face. Olfactory senses are in a state of shock. I'm at work and can still smell it.

Any recommendations for getting the odor out? Please nobody say tomato juice. I'm tired and am not going to hear that one much less bathe her in tomato juice. Too much damn mess.


p.s. Be sure to read We want your support.

Go with the baking soda, peroxide and soap, works well and is cheap. The yard is goign to reek for a while anyway, but after the "treatment" the dog will smell well enough to go inside and won't for sure spread the scent around.

I've used it several times (lucky me) - Pete got nailed last fall on our big trip and I washed him in a creek with shampoo to get the bulk of it off then a nice heated shower with the soda/peroxide/soap treatment.

When my dog got hit by a skunk I did both the peroxide mixture and the massengil douce thing. It worked surprisingly well.
BTW, you do get funny looks when you walk up to the checkout at 10:30 PM with the following items:
- 6 boxes of massengil douce
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- baking soda
- Un- scented dish soap
- Heavy rubber gloves

Good Luck.

Joe Lane
Pete STILL STUNK when you got to just had gotten used to it.....

Eric....SHAVE should be warm enough that she'll likely enjoy'll NEVER get that odor out of all that girly dog hair ..... take her down to the skin, give her the baking sod and peroxide full body douche and laugh at her embarassed look everytime you look at her as punishment for being a Skunk hater.......

The hair will grow least the ones on her...the ones inside your nose might not....

Looks like I've got some info to go on now. Thanks.

Steve, the thought of shaving her came to mind. However, down to the skin seems like a good preparation to get her sunburned, something which I can relate to. I've heard sunburn can be a real issue to dogs shaved in the summer to combat heat. Now a crew cut would give her protection yet get rid of the majority of the scented hair. Definitely something to think about.

with REAL DOG know LABS.....we dont' have to worry about stuff that Girly Dogs have to worry about so we don't think about them....

Seriously I hadn't thought about that.....heck we haven't seen the sun out here since last September and I had to look up "sunburn" in the dictionary to remind me of what it was....for sure shaving a redhead to the skin would likely be a problem that you don't need but I'd bet that, like you suggest, a crewcut would let you get the stink out while still giving her the protection she needs.....

Can't imagine trying to "de-stink" something with that much hair.....even with short hair you'll "think" you got it all...then they get damp, or wet, and it all comes roaring back.....

shorter is better.....for sure....

Good luck....

Pete STILL STUNK when you got to just had gotten used to it.....

Eric....SHAVE should be warm enough that she'll likely enjoy'll NEVER get that odor out of all that girly dog hair ..... take her down to the skin, give her the baking sod and peroxide full body douche and laugh at her embarassed look everytime you look at her as punishment for being a Skunk hater.......

The hair will grow least the ones on her...the ones inside your nose might not....


Speaking of douches....

I didn't say that it was 100%, I said that it works well enough that the dog can come inside and won't make all of your stuff smell further. More than I can say for tomato when I've tried it.
and I will be leaving in the early a.m. to do just that....

Saw that you were "done" show us some pictures....tell us some stories.....

and I will be leaving in the early a.m. to do just that....

Saw that you were "done" show us some pictures....tell us some stories.....


I've been a busy boy lately, but I do have some stories to tell. I checked flights to invite myself out for this weekend, but they were a bit spendy. Good luck, get a good'un!