This tis a great thing, but just a step in the fight against al-quada(sp). God bless amarica and all who protect her!

Might sound like odd bedfellows but every September as I lay in my goose blind,
I think of that A hole and what he has cost. I don't talk about it very often, but I can't help but be forced to think about it. you see. My favorite goose field has a very small cemetery on it's South West corner, not a big affair by most standards, but then again I live in a very small community.

Interred their for all time lies a very nice lady named Barb Edwards, her dad Jack still lives here, and is a nice but now quiet old guy. Barb was murdered on 911 as her plane was flown into the Pentagon. I look to the small flag that sets in it's standard on her stone, it guides my set and always reminds me that my freedom to do what I enjoy has comes at a price much greater than a stamp or a box of shells.

Rest now in peace nice Lady , sleep sound and dream soft dreams quiet old man.

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Brian, it sounds like you have a great opportunity to honor Barb every fall when you return to your goose field for your first hunt of the season by placing a new flag at her stone.
I spent quite a bit of time today explaining to my son who is 9 and my daughter who is 7 about september 11th and Bin Laden. They had some knowledge of the twin towers and 9/11 before hand but this was much more in depth. Its been a very sobering day for me. Children just can not grasp that the type of hatred it takes to murder innocent people by the thousands could exist and to be honest I thank God that they can not.
What a great day for the World to be rid of this Evil man, We (across the Pond) Salute the Special Forces who took him down. Congratulations America. Tom Conroy