Post your favorite dog photo(s) from this year

I have a couple from this season of Ozzie.

Retrieving a banded black duck in the snow

More black ducks


A nice mallard drake in the woods




Fly in sheep hunt.

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Scoter shoot in Sept.

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Don't let her looks fool you, Bunners is a real hunting dog. I take her everywhere. She's not much of a retriever but she is crazy good at finding and flushing grouse, steady around big game and horses, and fearless with bears. In camp she is tireless at keeping the gophers out of our stuff. Everybody loves her, and what she lacks in size she makes up for in heart.

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Great photos all! Retrievers are an amazing group, both from an ability and degree of devotion to their owners perspective!

Mike, the ASPCA is after you for dog abuse. You can't use a dog to gather firewood, per their perspective!

This is Winter Point's Razin' Kane. He is 8 months old. He won't see live birds for another six months, everything will be obedience trianing directed until then. Dugan is retired due to an arthritic hip and lens opacity that impacts his marking abilities.

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My 8 year young pup's first day of the season.

My opener with my 3 year old pup for his one and only day of the season. He had TPLO surgery the next day.

Couldn't choose between these two. Carter is 9 years old and in October he retrieved 72 ducks over three days without losing a bird.



This summer I was out training with my four Labs. The three youngest ran several water blinds. The oldest is Taffey going on 14 years old and retired. She lived to train and hunt. Now she physically cannot.....but seems very content to just "hang out". There is no doubt in my mind that Taffey was "The One".

Sadly, her twilight years are coming to a fast close with vision and hearing down to about fifty yards. As she got out of the van to run one short bumper, Taffey gave me a look that said, "I really don't feel like doing much."

So we walked slowly around to other side of the pond and picked up the small, orange blind flags. Fortunately, I took my camera and this neat pose was captured.

Great pic Greg. Rose has become a very fine retriever.

I have to add my favorite pic from a couple years back taken by my friend Lenny.

Belle is 15 now and I had to officially retire her last year. It's not quite the same when your gunning partner of 14 years isn't with you, it takes some of the luster out of the hunt. Hopefully will be starting a Pup in the Spring.

Belle with a Green-wing.

What a great bunch of shots and super group of retrievers. Very glad to see many guys using neoprene vests in the cold dogs used to float about an inch higher wearing them.
This is Nora on her first hunt.

Her litter mate Storm, Brandon's pup, after a retrieve on a cripple that he was walked out to and then given a chance to figure it out. You can't see the duck very well but I love the proud smile worn by Brandon.

And Nora on the canoe ride back afterwards.

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Lincoln With my Son's First ever Mallard.


At 58lbs Lincoln handled the geese ok... The one on the left weighed in @18lbs - Big ol'dude


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Andrew thanks for posting that picture of Storm I forgot about that moment in time. Your right I was so proud of that young pup that day.
Here's my young lad in training "Maxx" and his Rocky Balboa face...


Maxx as Bat Dog...


And here he is with his best bull dog impression...


We're on our way out to the next county to see if we can't find a duck now...

The burr collector...doing his part to disperse the seeds.


I love a good dog thread. Thanks for the invite Hank!

This is Jersey Girl. She'll be 6 mid-March. Looking thru my photos, I realized that I haven't taken very many this season. Guess I've been slipping. Had to throw in one of the 1st pics I took of Jersey...

