Steve Sutton

Well-known member
I don't know which one of these is mine yet....and won't for awhile but I'm already in love....


(6) of these little lovelies are girls one of which will be the future Ms. Berg Brothers Fire and Ice and all I have to do now is figure out how not to head to Minnesota now instead of waiting until mid April.....

Come on mid-April......

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CUUUUUUUTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drake has no clue what he's in for this fall.......
Cute pups!
That is going to be one lucky little dog. She is going to be a perfect age to suck up all those new experiences this fall. I'm looking forward to all the photos of the growing pup.

Alaska in Aug....Montana in Sept....the Dakota's in Oct.....Kansas in Nov.......Fla in Dec.....La. in Jan.....and if Debby hasn't taken away the keys to the truck at that point Az and N.M. in late Jan/Feb.......

If all goes as planned she'll have been exposed to 16 different Upland species......

Gonna be a wild ride.......

I hope your wife doesn't take away the keys to the truck, Steve. Your pup will think that is her dog house. Sounds like quite the adventure for you this year. Enjoy the ride.

I'll look forward to pictures of your pup as time goes along.
And here we thought retirement was for slowing down and taking it easy!!!
It takes birds to make a bird dog,looks like the pup will get a great education.

Best wishes and good hunting.
Hi Steve!
Conratulations on a new pup. Sounds like retirement must fit you.

From the other thread, is one of the pointy dogs you met this year ZuZu? That girl will make anyone want a pointy dog. I have a great lab now. The best in my life. And my next dog is likely to be a wirehair or GSP. I have a friend that breeds and trains great GSPs. Like you, I wont be without a lab. But as you know, out here it will probably be better with both. And my wife wants to upland hunt more.......
Tom....in fact I am retired....I knew I was forgetting something in the post......

Mike....long time.....I've "met" buthave not hunted with ZuZu....I figure any dog named after a Russian Anti Air Craft battery must be hot stuff and there's no question she's got old Fred right where she wants him.....between here and the new Mule he's eat up with "new love".......I've hunted with a handful of German dogs in the past...mostly GSP but a couple of the hairy one's as well, (not sure I could tell the longer haired ones apart)......can't really put my finger on the "why" but the Continental Dogs have never appealed to me even though I know they can b great hunters.....and far more versatile than Setters and Pointers.....

I went with English Setters because Dani and I had the great good fortune to hunt with a guy in Montana this past season that had a string of (9) Setters....he ran them in three teams with each team having a puppy, a medium range dog and a long range dog, (the long range dogs regularly being way out there are over 600 yards.....he runs one team in the morning and then another team in the afternoon.....every team hunts 2 out of 3 days.....the ground we covered was unbelievable and it wasn't uncommon for the long range dogs to cover 30 plus miles in a half day, (with the hunters hitting 12 to 15 though it was easy walking in comparison to covering that kind of mileage with a Lab).....the ground covered, the bird contact and EQUALLY as important in deciding to go with Setters was not only how they hunted and the birds they found but what great dogs they were at night in camp.....I've always heard Setters and Pointers don't have an off switch and aren't particularly "friendly" dogs.....I'm sure there are many that fit that but these dogs most definitely didn't......Roy spends from Sept through March Upland hunting living out of a 40 foot motor home....we ate with him several times and he didn't have a single dog that wasn't every bit as attentive and loveable as a lab...and a couple of the older girls I'd have stolen if I had thought I could get away with it.......After Dani left and the rush of the first week of Pheasant Season was over Roy and I hunted three or more times a week.....two ofhis youngest dog are Berg Brothers puppies and I was impressed with their skills at a year old.....

Only took me a month of daily "WE NEED POINTY DOG PUPPIES" to get Debby to say o.k. to the first one.....I told her that when you only have one you're just one injury short of "having none" but with a Lab puppy planned as well she hasn't yet caved to the idea of three dogs, and particularly three puppies, all at the same time......This is my Mid Life Crisis Corvette and so different than the past 50 years that I'm taking what I can get and will build on my successes........

I hope to get to hunt with ZuZu and Fred in N.D. this coming season......and in Montan in Sept for Sage Grouse if he can drag himself away from his Mule....

What number is your pick for girls, Steve? If the litter is that strong then about the only difference would be markings and color. Best of luck. I was thinking about how much fun it will be driving back home with that little tyke with you.
I'm third pick on the females Al. A deep field for a sure and I'm betting the major difference in them is the color and ticking. I'm partial to the tri colors and that little one in the very back really has my attention.

And that kind of mileage is here the pointers shine. Its hard for a lab with his heavier frame to put that kind of mileage on. And my lab is a very lanky lean lab.

My first exposure to a pointer was by accident. First hunting dog was a GSP/Lab mix. Got him free. With better training he would have been the equal to any dog I have hunted over. Started pointing at about 2 years old, and pointed the rest of his life. Watching him run wild pheasants at Banks Lake, and I was sold on pointing dogs for upland. He was as good on grouse as pheasants, learned quick. My favorite dog I have owned. But, I got lucky...

ZuZu has an off switch, and I have been around a few GSPs that did too. Setter are sure nice to look at and have around. My wife wouldnt accept the long hair. And you are right, their disposition is hard to beat. Sounds like you are in for some fun times.

I'm out of school this season, I might have to convince you and Fred to let me tag along to Montana........

I keep looking around the sloughs on the PO for one of your decoys, but all I keep finding are plastics.......Wonder who found the couple we couldnt find.
Congrats and good luck with bonding with your new buddy. Looks like this dog is going to get a crash course on birds this year. Best of luck and keep the photos coming.
