Steve Sutton

Well-known member
Here she is. Still working on her name and needed to put some miles behind us after spending a couple of hours at The Bergs' place. What an incredible place. When you can have thirty plus dogs under one roof and Debby doesn't start wrinkling her nose a mile out and then say "leave the truck running and the air on" when you pull in, you know it's going to be well maintained. And then when she sits on the kennel floor when the puppy flood is unleashed you know you're in the right place.

Took a couple of hours to pick out the right one and in the end it came down to a choice between the little beastie who now owns us and the one with half a mask. Debby liked the one with the full mask and the big spot on her butt so I let her make the final choice, knowing that with the bloodlines and background that these dogs have that it will be my failure to take advantage of those and not the pick of things that doesn't work out.

The Bergs are lucky I don't live close by or I'd be pestering them daily just to be around those dogs.

So here's the first of many.





What a cuuuuuuuuuuutie she is! I'm looking forward to hunting with her this fall. And letting her meet the boys....poor boys don't know what they're in for
OH man, I am work right now and all I can see is the little black boxes,,,,, no pictures! Guess Ill have to wait till tonight when I get home.
Steve, so what is your driving schedule? Are you going thru Waverly? I'm headed down to southern Iowa this weekend to do some crappie fishing, hope to not miss you guys.
Beautiful pup Steve and what a little blessing! As far as experiences go, she'll need some time retrieving ducks on the Illinois River. The mud at our club does wonder on a dogs coat. And, if you like to shoot a 20 or 28 gauge, we generally have plenty of teal and your pup will get a workout. Something to keep in mind...

Congrats! Pat
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Congrats Steve and Debby on the newest addition to the Sutton family. No doubt there will be many adventures and stories created with the pup to be named.
Now the real fun begins! You have a fun and busy summer ahead of you. Are you getting some birds for training? I've been running my britts in the woods on the local woodcock. Found our first clutch of chicks yesterday and managed to get a neat video. So much fun running them in the woods.

Have fun with the new pup and congrats!

Nothing is as good as puppy breath. They should bottle it. My 6 year old setter is also a tricolor. My wife prefers them to the Orange dogs I've had before.
Here in NC the woodcock season is pretty good and it is late. Often we hunt ducks in the morning then a woodcock hunt after lunch.
Best of luck with the pup. Can't do much better than Berg for an honest dog.
Congratulations Steve, Parker Jamesion of Simon and Simon tv show fame did a gun dog show for a while. At the end of his show on Chessies {my Breed} Parker and his wife while holding a couple of pups said " the two best smells are bacon cooking in the morning and puppy breath". My wife and I are planning a litter of chessies in the fall. maybe our last! can't wait. By the way I did a little Walleye fishing in North Dakota last week, after sitting all winter in my sub zero degree garage the little evinrude started on the second pull. Regards Rich
Congrats my friend ......enjoy the journey.
What a cutie

Puppy breath YAY !!!!!!
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