Shooting Em Out of Season

Andrew L.

Well-known member
But still legal of course ;)

After finally getting dug out and having some sun it was time to hit the ice. The recent storm brought some pretty good ice to the shores of Lake Michigan here. Still getting used to camera settings and the new 75-300mm lens but crawling on the ice on a sunny day can make for some great photo opps. I think the storm blew some birds out of town as the buffs were not around like they have been, I don't blame them as they recorded 20'+ waves out there on Wednesday. Calmer west winds meant most birds were a few hundred off shore feeding but I was able to sneak up on a few.

Ice reaches at least 40 yards out and much farther out at some points.

Little blury but one of the only drakes that wanted to hang around

This girl didn't care much that I was around


Again a little blury but a cool pose

If only she could stretch that neck a little further to see the food down below

Going down


Thanks for looking
LOVE the pics what kind of camera do you use just came from store looking at 3 diff nikons. what should i buy? love that GE and bill
LOVE the pics what kind of camera do you use just came from store looking at 3 diff nikons. what should i buy? love that GE and bill

Thanks Jesse

Shot with a Canon Rebel XS. I found mine for $450 new and purchased the lens from Adorama used for $190. I looked at Nikons as well before I bought mine last winter but was able to find a better deal on the Canon and felt I had more options down the road with a Canon.
Well, Andrew, I am sure glad to see you shoot your limit after season is over. Very nice. Keep it up. I'll look forward to the next batch. All of that ice---"cool" shot!

If you're going to go with an all-purpose lens, you might want to look at something like a 28-300mm combination. Tamron makes a nice compact that will handle some nice zoom as well as closeup stuff, and you'll avoid having to haul an extra lens to the field
Andrew, where were you at? My X used to live off Capital and Oakland. I liked running on Capital all the way down to the lake. The bluff there had a huge stair case and trail that made a good hill run. There was a beach and a few old breakwalls down there that always seemed to hold birds. I bet the wind and waves pushed alot of birds out that normally stay around.

I was down near McKinley Marina. Birds like to all hang there because they can't get hunted even when season is in. I know the spot where you are talking. However, I do not go there much as running is not my forte ;)
Do you live in Michigan? Where are you from? I am actually thinking of possibly taking a job offer up there near Baldwin, MI.