

I would love to have one too. Not sure if the list here is getting too long. But I do appreciate it if you can count me in.


Chad A.
Thanks everyone. If you have posted here or sent me a pm you are on the list

If you tried to contact me via email through the site I have not got it. I saw today I had very old email address that hasn't been checked in yeàrs and I don't have the slightest idea as to the password, but it has been updated. Still this thread or pm is best. Also I meet to get with Pat on the smaller version shave. The smaller one he has was one of the first three shaves I made years ago when I was still grinding down old Nicholson files and shooting from the hip. I think we presented it to him for the painting class he did and I don't even remember how big it was. Glad to hear it serving him well still! Ill meet to get some measurements Pat!
Hello Paully,
Good to see you posting. I know I am a little late with the response. If you could put me on your list I would appreciate it.
Hope all is well. If you want to get out layout shooting give me a call. Hope all is well.

Hello, a decoy carver at Tuckerton Seaport in NJ mentioned Paul Rutgers as making good spokeshaves. He suggested looking for him on duck boats.net. If you are the correct person are you still making spokeshaves and what is the process for ordering one?
Hi fellas. Spoke shaves are still going to be made. I'm neck deep in a project now but ill post more info as to when ill be making them price options etc this weekend. If you've replied pm'd emailed etc your on the list. Thanks!