The light at the end of the tunnel pt1 a 6 week adventure story

While riding along on the moped today, we had to swerve to avoid some monkies.

Right around the bend from the monkies, there was a big snake that had been struck by a vehicle.
I discovered that a great way to freak out people that are walking along the roadway with their kids, is to smile and say "Watch out for the snake" as you ride up along side them.
I m just wrapping things up here in Anya's hometown. I have fallen in love with the place, and the fact that wristwatches are useless trinkets here.

Time is different here, everything is twisted in a new way in this place.

Minutes do not matter
Moments are just the spaces between laughter and slaps in the back.

I am thinking about how it will feel to be back in The USA.

Even though I speak the language, there is a total disconnect between many folks there.

I am making measurements on the space out back behind Anya's place so that we might be able to grow a garden and build a space of our own sometime soon .... down at the rivers edge.

That river has been good to her family...
I reckon everyone needs a river.
This river is legendary for its mermaids.

I am not sure why they come here,

But I am surely happy that they do.

DSC_5457 by Duncan Tennyson, on Flickr

The sun will set over the river and the gulf again
as it has for a million sundowns

DSC_5454 by Duncan Tennyson, on Flickr

The big clouds will roll in in the morning and threaten
But it will be a passing moment over the water

the breeze will blow and feel good
and the sweat will roll off my skin into the forever of the river

each day will be as the last
and a brand new opportunity