Time to stand up and thank our moderators...

I'll chime in here about Steve as well. I miss having him around. I miss the 'Crappy Crap'. Thanks Steve; I know you're still lurking out there. Hitch
You guys are getting all mushy...I think I might have a Kleenex moment...

Seriously though, thanks for the backing, its just my part of giving something back to this great community.

Best wishes and happy hunting,

Well thought off!

I believe I was part of one of those "moments" a while back. Caused Eric to do a little extra work.

My apologies for that.

Thanks for all you do. I know first hand, it is generally a "thankless" job.

Thanks again!

Being an OLD resident seen the site when it was the old format yeah the sweet old format lol.

Thanks guys for all you do and the crap you have to put up with I dont think I could handle that is for sure.

Its always been a great site full of info and guys and gals that love the sport not just the killin. lots of friends
made on here and relationships that you may never
meet much or ever but GOOD FRIENDS!

Thanks guys for this page still my HOME :)

It was Murphys home too

I love that photo Dave. That is one happy old boy there. Great memories. I still think often about our hunt on your river with Dave and Ed. It's something that would have never happened had it not been for this forum.
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A very heartfelt thankyou to all, Eric for starting & keeping this site up&running, Chuck for stepping in when Steve left& to Steve for his time as moderator& keepimg this site here.
Thank you all!
Glad to see all the folks in this thread that have been here as long as I have. I think I found this place the summer of 1998 while looking for plans or ANYTHING to help me build a duck boat. Eric's build along was, and is, great. I have since built three boats and a couple dozen decoys. More than that, though, and something that is much more important, I have met, hunted with, and made friends with many, many very passionate people. I stopped counting the guys/gals I met at 52 and that was 10 years ago. Unless I went through the roster I couldn't possibly know how many but I wouldn't be at all surprised to know it's close to 200 by now.

We all realize the value of this site and at the same time know we could never put a price on it. I thank all those past and present that have been part of keeping it a place I enjoy. Though it's drifted a bit from the "sitting around the pot belly stove" that we started with it's still great.

Thanks for posting that up. I had lost these pictures and the hunt with you in Florida on my old hard drive. I had a ball that day getting together on the Ole' Miss. As everyone else here, I've met some fine folks because of this site. I wish we could have had the chance for one more hunt before I left Florida. I do plan on making it back to the Lacrosse get together this year.
Remember this quote from February of '01?

"With great deliberation and excruciating soul searching I have come to a final decision. Effective immediately the Duck Hunter's Boat Page is closed"

Eric, glad you and Steve opened 'er back up.

I appreciate very much the fact that this site is around.

I go back to 1999 or 2000...somewhere in there. Was looking for information on sneakboxes, and this was probably the only quality resource on the 'net.

Because of this site, I have met some damn fine people, at least one of whom has passed from this earth. I've hunted, floated decoys, cooked, carved, and bs'd with some of the people on here just because this place exists...I would never have met people like Travis Bruce, Bill McAdam, Steve McCullough, Eric Patterson, Steve Sutton, Ronnie Ladd, Jeff King, and Ed L. I can't think of a person I've met on this site that I wouldn't share a blind with. I have received more from this site in support, friendship, information, and laughter than I will ever be able to contribute. This place is unique; it always has been. There is give and take, to be sure, but this site has always been more like going to visit with friends than anything else.

Being a moderator is thankless, at best...there is always something.

To anyone who has served in that position here, ever, thanks for dealing with the crap so this site can exist and be what it is. And Eric, thank you for keeping the doors open, allowing others to do so when you didn't want to, and recognizing the value that all of us place in your "duck camp".
I will echo much of the sentiment expressed here. I found this site from Ian Feir's page when I was looking for a way to make some foam buffie's. He linked this page. That was back in 1999. I can not believe all the information I have gained from this site. Immeasurable.....I have built layouts, carve decoys, hunted with all sorts of guys whom I never would have met otherwise.

Thank you Eric for starting this and getting it all going and allowing it to carry on.

Thank you Sutton for moderating for all those years, and for also "keeping it floating" As a side note, just how do some of you old timers think ole Steve would have handled this current issue? hehehe, I think Chuck did a great job...

thank you chuck for stepping up to moderate. Your doing a great job.