UN gun treaty- NDR

I don't follow politics much but has any one been paying attention to this UN gun ban treaty that Hillary is to sign? It doesn't sound to good for us hard working law abiding citizens here in the unites states. I just keeping thinking that if this is signed and our senate doesn't stop it if it's signed. Will we all have to join clubs where our guns are locked up and can't leave the premises? Will we even be able to own our guns? What will our long standing sport of hunting be turned into? What will the sport of duck hunting become? For us? For our children? This is the one sport my son absolutely loves. It gives us time together to catch up. Being together and watching the sunrise. Fog on the water. A kingfisher or an eagle sitting in a tree looking for their next meal. There are so many memories I have that could in the future only be memories. This year and every year after the memories will be cherished even more as I don't know what the future holds.
I keep hearing about it, and every time I read it, it seems to be geared toward the sale of weapons from the USA to other countries. The UN has any authority over citizens of a sovereign nation (especially one like the US) and really has bigger fish to fry than the disarming of private citizens in a peaceful (relatively) nation.

Unless I am reading this thing wrong. However, I have been noticing that some of the news media is really twisting this story into a giant 2nd amendment attack...
Much like the healthcare law.... we won't know until after it is signed.
It is still in the process of being drafted - expected to be "done" and signed today.
How can you say that you will sign something before it is even finalized, or completed?
Extremely unlikely that the Senate would ratify it anyhow, unless the President has something else already figured out that would bypass the constitution
It would need to be ratified by a 2/3s vote in the U.S. Senate in order to pass and affect the majority of gun owners. From what I read on the NRA site, it would impact certain types of small arms, ammo sales, and a few other things that I can't remember right now. But, check out the Snopes site for some helpful info that explains the gist of it and dispells some of the rumors floating around out there.


Very best,
Nate Grace
This is the kind of argument that makes me absolutely sick of politics and politicians. Politicians have no problem twisting facts to suit their own agenda, and playing to the greatest fears of the people.
A whole bunch of election year scare-mongering by NRA, which I was a member of for years. I wish they would stick to real issues instead of shouting UN hidden agendas, black helicopters and the new world order to get more members, same shit we heard about back when Willy Clinton was in office. And its still just that: Shit
The same people have our local county commissioners scared into thinking any proposal to have zoning or planning is part of UN Agenda 21, what ever the hell that is. We even had some of these yahoos testify that our state-run, state-funded conservatoin land program is some hidden UN agenda. Yep, thats me guys, I hate to admit it but I do drive a black UN helicopter and wear a UN beret to work everyday so that I can conserve and restore our coastal resources to be redistributed when the New World Order takes over. Give me an F'in break..............

This treaty is all about countries selling weapons of war, nothing to do about internal trade in ammo or sporting arms.

Hey on the bright side... This treaty will HELP to prevent weapons ending up in the hands of enemies of the state (I know I sounds like a line from a steven segal action flick, but its true)

For example:

Back in 2000 I drove down the baja peninsula for a bit of fun and tacos. I was stopped at paramilitary operated checkpoints at least 5 times. These guys were armed to the tits with american made weapons and vehicles. Can you be certain that now in 2012 those guns are still under strict control, locked up in army bases? No??? How many of those beautiful guns, do you think, are now being used by narco-traffickers. All it takes is a little bit of corruption for those weapons to end up in the wrong place.

Having strict gun control laws is a good idea, and the UN treaty has nothing to do with gun control to the average citizen.

Besides, y'all (or we'all) have already given up some of our gun rights in this country... When was the last time you went into a store and just picked up a fully auto assault shotgun for goose conservation season? :p
.......unless the President has something else already figured out that would bypass the constitution

You mean again right? This bozo has got to go.

Mark W
Sounds like Obama Care. Won't know till it's done. Spoke to my guy and got the, haven't read the Whole thing a yet. Can they read??? Staff reads these and gives them the high lights. Too busy... Why does every country want to change us?
Government says we are the richest country, why are we borrowing to give money away?
Enough, now no Thanksgiving goose. What is wrong with government.
Carl, I think the reason these scare tactics are so affective, is they are not so far fetched....

There are tons of crap attached to the bills that are passed, unrelated, and contrary to the subject of the original bill.

Let me give you a perfect example from the wonderful Affordable Health Care bill that no one was able to read before they signed it!

I have 2 children in college, actually oldest just graduated in May....anyway. In her Freshman year, we took out a Parent Plus loan to cover some of her expenses. In March of that year, we initiated monthly payments on that loan of around $86 a month. 2 years later Son starts school, we do a parent plus loan for him, the following March, or total monthly PP repayment is now $199 a month... year 2 for him, another loan, March of this year now $286 per month in PP payments. So a month later I get an email that the monthly payment (automatic withdrawl) will be $86? Humm, what happened... goverment screw-up for sure, but eventually they will figure it out, and either want a ballon payment and or charge me a penalty.

So I call the GOV office that handles the PP loans and talk to a very helpful person... she says the 2 loans for my son are defered as he is still in school. I asked why, I had not requested that they be defered.... and she explains that all the PP loans for active students have been defered per the AHC bill, it is part of the revenue generation to pay for it in the out years....

In their infinite wisdom...they figure, they can defer the loans, but not the interest, and use the additional interest to pay for health care!

So to remove the deferal on these loans, I need to send a letter to the Dept of Education and apply for a removal of the deferment!

So who knows all the slimy ways our goverment manipulates things? They can not be trusted to be straight with us.
of course that "Snopes" article claims that the info is "false"....
It is false - there was no treaty signed in April.
Hell, the final draft has yet to be completed, it is expected to be finalized this morning and then signed. Obama has directed our UN Rep to sign it... without even reading it.
I am fully aware that our Constitution requires a majority vote of the Senate to ratify it.... and I highly doubt that will happen.
However, the treaty will be signed... and even though not ratified - provisions contained in it could be implemented by a President that has repeatedly shown he has no problem going against the rule of law or our Constitution.
Especially if he sees a way to get some political gain out of this in light of the Colorado happenings.
One thing in the treaty that has been agreed to, and included, is a requirement to register all privately owned firearms.... although this is not a "taking" of our guns.... do you really support universal govt registration of your weapons?
Hard to say how much the NRA gains but at least they are trying to make us all aware of what's goin on. Even though sometimes they seem like they are pushy. The old adage give em an inch they will take a mile. That's what this may turn into hard to tell. Politicians, They make it sound believable. But what's the real agenda behind it all. The least we need to do is pay attention to the topics, communicate with our legislators and most I all vote.
Well, the conference broke up without any agreement. Nothing happened.

In other news I read that a provision to outlaw magazines holding over ten rounds has been tacked onto the latest Cyber security bill.

And its sneaky crap like tacking anti gun laws to unrelated issues that causes the NRA to scream and holler. I'm glad they are paying attn. Like many a busy parent, I just don't have time to pay attn to all the crap Congress is up to.

John Bourbon
The UN gun treaty is supposedly aimed at the 60 billion dollar international gun trade world wide. But most in the know say it is a end around shot at private gun owership in the USA. Yesterday, the president and Mrs. Clinton were given outright refusal to anything the UN had on the table that would have a effect on the 2nd amendment and gun ownership in the USA. This was signed by 51 senators and 130 members of the House of representatives. Needless to say this has put a squash on UN plans for the time being.
Well, fancy that: The Obama negotiator's refused to agree on the treaty without more time to analize it.
The conference adjourned without agreement.
Oh, and Russia and China also said they were not going to sign the version that was being floated.
It's interesting to note that weapons/guns are one of the very few things the US still manufactures and exports all around the world. Guns are big business. The interests of our economy are wrapped up in the export of weapons and also the continuation of conflict around the globe. China and Russia are the other biggest manufacturers and exporters of weapons. The demilitarization of the world and ending of armed conflict would actually damage our economy and cause Americans to loose their jobs. I suspect this is why the US, Russia, and China aren't ready to sign onto a weapons treaty yet. Whatever treaty is approved of by these three super powers will have to preserve each countries weapons industries. I also believe that it is in the interests of every nation to ensure the populace is armed as poorly as possible. All of these countries are run by crooks who game the system for their own personal benefit. They fear the power of the masses, especially armed masses. This is one of the things that has kept the US "honest" (relatively speaking) compared to others. So considering this, I would assume that the real purpose of any UN treaty would be to un-arm common people in order to ensure no one will be capable of putting up a fight against future violations of liberty and human rights. While preserving a huge weapons market for military/police/private security contractors, who will of course use the weapons to keep the little people in line.

Definitely NDR