What’s on the bench - December 2017

Thanks, Steve. Back to the regular stuff after a morning of chasing canadas. Realized my hen teal stock was down, so I managed to hack out two heads before my body told me to give it up. Starting the day at four tends to wear on this 75 year body a bit. Brain just quit at around twelve or so, and just doesn't know when to quit!
Thank GOD for that!!
Merry Christmas
We are supposed to get some snotties on Monday, so I am allowed to sneak out for a few hours. A fitting gift, eh?
Not really decoy/duck related, but I just finished up my european mounts and display from the bucks I was fortunate enough to take this year. Both deer were taken on public land and I found the drift wood on a wade fishing trip a couple years ago near where I killed the first one. Apparently they also defy gravity- I can't figure out how to turn this pic vertical.
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I bought some old herters goose decoys, wrapped them in burlap, and painted them. I guess you would call them hunting decoys. My son was told that the decoys came from a judge who hunted with Justice Scalia and that possibly Justice Scalia hunted over these decoys. A great story and good salesmanship by the seller. Plausible? Yes -given where they came from. Factual? I am uncertain. Great story just the same. Anyway, this is my second attempt at working on decoys. They are not as nice as many of the others posted at duckboats.net but here they are with a touch of Christmas flare. Cheers!View attachment 20171212_151250.jpgView attachment 20171212_144146.jpgView attachment 20171212_143258_Burst01.jpgView attachment 20171212_143805.jpg
Werner said:
They are not as nice as many of the others posted at duckboats.net but here they are with a touch of Christmas flare. Cheers!

Not as nice??

they look pretty darn good to me -
Love this thread everyone. Keep up the good work.

Love it. If you need to see one up close come on up I have a nesting pair on one of my tower sites. You can climb up take a closer look. [;)]
Dave et al~

From the sub-zero chill of upstate New York.....

Here are my 5 Christmas birds - gifts that a variety of customers wanted for loved ones, mostly grandkids but also a spouse or two.

The Three Wise Owls - my first owls in 3 dimensions - are Short-eared, Great Horned and Barred.

View attachment Christmas Five 01 small.JPG

All the best,



Thanks for your positive remark. There are so many talented people here that I feel I have to do my best.
Very nice, Paul, you achieved one thing I don't see frequently on miniature decoys; the proportions and symmetry are accurate.