Wood Duck Boxes

Do a google search and click images, patterns will pop up in pictures with measurements. I just did it last week myself.

Gene R.
Check with your local USFWS Field office or refuge. They should have plans too.
The Minnespota Department of Natural Resources put out a booklet some years back titled 'Woodworking for Wildlife' I use this a reference for my WD boxes, bird houses etc.

I'm about a block from the river and get wood ducks and sometimes owls.

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I would make them out of wood (untreated) and hang them high enough,mine are all 6 ft off the water with predator shields below the boxes.
I have a bunch of them in trees and when I set any more out they will be on metal posts in the water. Tree mounted houses are just coon feeders and squirrel shelters. One spring I found two dead squirrels in a nest box, no clue what killed them. The biggest surprize though was the little owl who I woke up when checking the box.:)
Agreed, If they are on a tree or near one they are not as effective. Mine are all on the water and have been producing each year. Just make sure the hole is at least 5 ft off the water.
I would second Nick Ronning's suggestion and read the wood duck society's info, it is very good and they have been doing it a long time.