Wooden Boat Mag - Anyone have a stash?

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
Does anyone subscribe for a long time? I would like to read the articles on the BBSB. Figured I would check here before I ordered the 7 issues I would like. If anyone has them and would pass them on, let em know, or would make copies of the articles...

issues: 20, 47, 48, 61, 62, 68, and 70. In a few of these the reference might only be in letters on previous articles? Someone here in VA gave away years of them but I was just an hour late on the CL reading!

TIA, Dave
I'll do some checking and see what I might have around. I started getting that decades ago but haven't subscribed for some time.
If I have them, I can scan and pdf them to you.
Dave, I'll look around this weekend to see. I have some old ones from before I subscribed and there may be some your loking for.
Hey guys--
Have to share... my dad was the first publisher of woodenboat through the late 70's-early 80's and we lived at the magazine compound (old estate on the coast of maine) for years. I can't begin to tell you the childhood memories of endless summer days, cookouts on the rocky beach (always hotdogs with red dye, lobster & mussels, and beer for the men), lots of woods and fields to roam and boats and boat shops everywhere.
Good luck with the back issues. It's a great magazine.

Hey Dave,
I don't go back that far, so I can't help directly. There is a good article in the most recent issue of the mag. about duck boat racing on Barnegat Bay NJ, but you probably already knew that...
I have stopped at Barnes and Noble, 5 times! They still don't have the new issue out? Was supposed to be out on the 25th of last month according to the girl at the counter? Stopped this morning, and still not in?