May - Whats on your workbench?

great work everyone.

here is a trio I finished up last night. still a little wet but I was gentle taking the photos.

Pat you are a machine. Love your decoys. Great month already. Here's my contribution. Sorry for the glare. Working on a hen next to finish the pair.

Tom Nice pins!

Tom B. Teal is great, what a strong start your off too carving!

It's been a great month. Enjoying kicking around doing alot of "other" than decoy stuff.
Finished up this shadow box with a Trio of Miniature Labrador Ducks on on Oil painted background. About 12"X 18" Overall.

Tom M- Great looking Pintails.

Tom Barb- I really like what you did with that GWT. Really nice looking bird!

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Thank you Chad and Jode! Means a lot. I'm having a blast! Except when it comes to feathers. I'm realizing I do not like painting feathers haha.
Great work this month everyone. I finished this one up at the end of last month but had not pulled down the pictures out of the camera until today. This one was sent out to a forum member already the remaining ringnecks from last month are waiting on eyes and then paint similar to this guy. Sorry the picture is washed out but you guys get the idea.



Tom, I here you on painting feathers. The widgeon I did were the first time trying any feathers. Then hens were easier than I thought but the drakes not so much. I am not completely satisfied with how they turned out but my thoughts are they will work just fine so instead of repainting them I just need to carve more. The talent on here is amazing and with more practice hopefully someday I can post something on par with everything else on here.
Jake P and I got together this weekend to carve and he picked up a load of bass for me to take home.  He wanted to do a "fully carved" bird, at least try side pockets, cape, shoulders on for size.  We decided we would each finish one decoy together, and then take each other's home to paint up and put in our rig.  Here are the birds:


Just finally got some time on the computer instead of my phone so I could see this thread on a normal sized screen. Really great work by everyone I love this thread every month.

Tom, I had seen those Pintails on my phone but Dang! Very cool birds.

Tom B, thats a nice Jersey style teal as well. Keep it up.

Dave, nice work as well.
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Jode Great work as always. I assume that is going to a collector?
John I like the Whistler.
Ian, Like that blackducks as well.
Shorebirds really have me distracted this month...A buddy of mine showed me some techniques on how to carve and antique them, so I have been running with that for a little while. Here are my first 3, a curlew, red knot, and black belly plover. Hopefully I can get back on track with ducks here soon



