September "What's on your Workbench?"

Sean, your work never ceases to amaze me. When I think of "New Jersey Decoys" I immediately think of yours. The only question I have is, how much does a pair of your puddlers go for? That way I know how much money to bring to tuckerton..LOL.

Drake Harli-

We have a good sized flock that winters off the Barnegat inlet jetty. I was lucky to get some great pics this winter. Finally got around to carving one.

Sean, those Gaddies are just awesome. Thanks for posting another picture.

And Jode, that Harli is amazing! I swear you two guys make some the nicest decoys around. They're more art than they are working decoy.
Nice work jersey boyz.

Keep your eyes pealed for my entries next week. I'm sending them out to who knows if they'll ever even make the show. Hopefully I won't see them posted on ebay!

Oh, and don't let WOOOODY put his mits on them, or try to steal any of my authentic jersey coast secrets.
Nice work from everyone. The thing that gets me every time I read this thread is thinking back a decade or so at a lot of the beginner questions being asked , guys just starting out making ducks and searching, guys on their way but still had a lot to figure out etc. Looking at how many guys have fallen off to never be heard from again, but the guys who stuck with it and seeing the work they are posting up now. Pretty cool to watch it happen over time. Really hope I'm around to see what the next ten will bring.
I love this thread! What a great addition to DB this has been!

Sean, Pat, Bob, Jode...sweet work guys!! Wonderful decoys! Hitch
black oystercatcher.Had to test out a piece of the new yellow cedar. First shore bird. Sure have to work on feather groupings.


